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Life, Mindset, & Manifestation Coaching

Mindset, energetic, and somatic tools that empower the professional woman to overcome unsupportive thoughts, behaviors, and patterns in any aspect of her life.

Why Does My Mindset Matter?

Well, how do you handle your doubts? How do you soothe your fears? Your mindset is the process you use to support yourself. A mindset without structure or the right tools is a breeding ground for unsupportive thoughts that lead to self sabotaging behaviors. You can think yourself out of opportunities, relationships, romance, income, and visibility in your career. 

Without a solid mindset, you will argue for your limitations– with no visible "way out". You will have difficulty expecting life to go in your favor. The truth is this: your goals only ever seem improbable because of your mindset. With the right tools, your goals go from improbable to inevitable and imminent

Without the proper tools, you won't ever reach, or be able to maintain, your desired income, position, or relationship. No matter how high you go, or how committed you two become, you will eventually hit an upper limit. You will experience a plateau in sales. You will get ghosted or break up before the relationship can go any further. You will feel like there is a glass ceiling between you and where you want to go... but it’s not about external pressures. It’s about your mindset. 

Your mindset and your willpower are linked. With an unsupportive mindset, you will often give up on your goals, entirely. Can you imagine how many amazing business ideas, relationships, and creative projects never came to be because someone out there never took the first step? Yeah. That's a mindset problem. Without the right tools, you will give up on your desires. You won't even try. You won't be able to overcome the simplest obstacles or challenges you face at the beginning of the journey to your desire... because you don't know how to. 

Mindset is how you achieve any, and every, goal. 

And the most important thing for you to understand is that... without mindset work, you will continue to live the life you currently have. You will continue to live a life where you aren't making the money that you desire. You will continue to live a life where you are disappointed. and dissatisfied. and frustrated. and resentful. and feeling powerless. 

Here's what I know for sure: your fulfillment is on the other side of your fears, doubts, and insecurities. Mindset work is the thing that's going to get you through it all... to your desired life experience, on the other side.


Meet Your Coach

Nathallie Hughes is a psychic, life coach who supports women all over the world. Over the past five years in business, she has mastered the art of identifying, releasing, and rearranging the unsupportive stories we tell that attract unwanted experiences into our lives. She's coached many women into new jobs, business ventures, homes, and meaningful relationships. She has supported clients in building more self confidence, clarity, and empowerment in their lives. As someone who coaches on manifestation, mindsets, and life... her job is to teach professional women how to do that powerful work for themselves. Her ultimate goal is to help you create an emotionally fulfilled, purpose driven life that you are proud of. 

Why Work With A
Psychic, Life Coach?

In our sessions, you are connecting with someone who believes in your dreams, no matter how "big" they may seem. Instead of working with someone who will question what you desire, or what God has put on your heart; you are working with someone who deeply believes that you were made on purpose, with purpose. Energy is infectious. When you work with someone who believes that your dreams are your destiny... you start to believe it, too. And in life, you get what you believe


When we work together, you are connecting with someone who is both invested in your success, and able to look at your life objectively, without being confined to your limiting beliefs. I want you to win just as much as you do. The only difference between us is that your fears, doubts, and insecurities don't trigger me. This means, I'm all in, just like you are. And because I know how to maintain my state of safety, security, and certainty around your desires... I bridge that gap between your current and your most confident, secure self. 


Working with a life coach will get you to where you're headed, much faster than figuring it out all on your own. It has taken me over 5 years of consistent, purely focussed effort to discover and develop the mindset, energetic, and somatic tools needed to overcome my fears, doubts, and insecurities. When we work together, you've got access to a spiritual, mindset encyclopedia that is simply... better than Google.


Time saved? Well, that's expedited results received. 


As a psychic life coach, I understand how your previous experiences are impacting your current results. My work focuses on combining the metaphysical principals of the laws of attraction and assumption, with psychological concepts rooted in childhood development studies and research. 

Not only can I feel and sense your limiting beliefs... but I can also supply you with the tools and scientific understanding that you need, to know exactly where those wounds are coming from– and how to heal them. 

How Does Manifestation Play Into This? 

Manifestation is happening all of the time. In the words of Esther Hicks, manifestation, or co-creation, is "the process of turning thoughts into things". What I believe, and therefore teach, is that your thoughts are always creating. Your thoughts are always impacting the way you feel and the frequency you emit, which is always attracting people, experiences, ideas, and inspirations to you.


The way you perceive yourself, the world, and God is absolutely determining what you experience, or create. 


When you think in supportive, empowering ways... you attract supportive, empowering people, experiences, ideas, and inspirations. But most of us don't think in supportive, empowering ways, do we?


As a natural consequence of your lived experience, you developed unsupportive patterns of thought that do not support you in living an emotionally fulfilled, purpose driven life.


You think thoughts like,  

🚫 "I don't see the results coming in. What am I doing wrong?" 

🚫 "Why don't the men that I desire ever approach me?" 

🚫 "With my current salary, I can't afford my dream home. I won't be moving anytime soon." 

🚫 "With everything going on in the economy, no one can afford my increased asking price..."

🚫 "There are just no good men in this city!" 

Those thoughts attract more doubt, insecurity, and lack. They attract people, experiences, ideas, and inspirations that trigger doubts, insecurities, and feelings of insufficiency within you. And if you don't know how to shift those thoughts, then you will find yourself in a "trap" where you're feeling negative about your reality... and more negative things are showing up in your reality... and you just keep feeling worse... and from that place, you just keep attracting unwanted shit.


Here's what I know for sure: whatever you focus on will grow. And when you shift your focus to something more supportive for as little as 17 seconds... you begin to feel differently, emitting a higher frequency, and attracting better feeling experiences. 

When you work with me, you'll learn to generate and practice thoughts like: 

❤️‍🔥 "The results I'm seeing don't mean anything about me. My desires are coming in because I am worthy, and I am ready to be an even greater source of inspiration in the world." 

❤️‍🔥 "I am a beautiful woman, and I am open to better feeling experiences with men, now."

❤️‍🔥 "I was born for this house. I am worthy of a home that I am proud of and comfortable in. The money must come." 

❤️‍🔥 "There will always be people with money to spend. There are so many billion dollar industries in the world, and they just keep making record-breaking profits. Abundance is flowing now, more than ever before; and I am willing to allow that money to flow to me in exchange for my incredible work."

❤️‍🔥 "I don't need every man in this city to be ready for commitment. All I need is one. God knows where I live. God didn't forget me. My man is coming into my life right here, and right now." 

In sessions, we do healing work, shifting your beliefs and identity at the root, so that you can maintain a supportive focus and mindset for longer and longer periods of time. 

The law of attraction states that the frequency you embody, or emit, will be magnetized to you in the form of people, places, thoughts, and experiences. The law of assumption states that whatever you assume to be true in your mind, will come true for you in your reality. 

We will use these metaphysical principles combined with psychological concepts for the purpose of unlocking, and utilizing, your personal power to positively influence your life experiences. 

What Can Coaching Help Me With?

Everything. and anything. 

Inside of our sessions, we can discuss difficulties related to any aspect of life. Coaching can support you with your goals in career, self confidence, romance, and so much more.


My coaching is a great fit for you, if, for example:  

👉🏽 You're ready for the big promotion, but feeling overlooked at your company.

👉🏽 You're ready for your soulmate, but you're pessimistic after failed relationships and blatant rejections. A part of you feels like you don't have the power to call in the love you want, when you want it. 

👉🏽 You're ready to expand your visibility in your industry, but you're struggling with the feelings that you aren't good enough to be seen, sought after, and revered, yet. 

 👉🏽  You want better friendships. You want your clique... like how the "Sex & The City" characters were to one another. You want girlfriends that feel like sisters, but you've been through it all between two-faced friends and outgrowing people you thought you'd be close to for life... you're feeling unsafe and uncertain in your friendships, and you're ready to change that. 

👉🏽  You're ready for your next home, but you're afraid that you can't handle homeownership. From the down payment to maintenance fees, a part of you is afraid that something might come up that you won't be able to successfully deal with. A part of you is afraid that this experience might not be available to you. 

Don't see a scenario that relates to what you've got going on? No worries, you can always email me at before you book!

What People Are Saying About Nathallie Hughes...

"I grew up with a struggle mentality and I told myself narratives that I was destined for struggle, that I was unworthy and not good enough. I subconsciously continued the momentum of these stories by continuing to tell myself them day after day, year after year. As I have watched more of Nathallie’s videos,  I become more and more conscious of the ways I have chosen to participate in these stories... 


One of the most powerful feelings I have begun normalizing that is a direct result of tapping into Nathallie’s vibration, through her work, is being completely and utterly inspired.


I feel amazing when I am inspired. I am continuously inspired to feel better and enjoy my life, and that is the beautiful new foundation that Nathallie’s work has blessed me with."

Hailee A.


"She’s a life coach… and that’s what she does: she coaches. And it feels like... what does the coach do? the coach gets you ready to go into the game…


It started off like, ‘I don’t know…. maybe I can kind of dribble, I guess…” to… the most recent time we’ve worked together it was more like, ‘ Put me in, coach!’ 


[She] coaches through the different things that are going on, not only currently, but figuring out where it is that I was holding myself back.”

Jordyn R.


"This is an investment in your growth and healing. It surely has been for me. 


Nathallie has willingly stepped into a life of purpose by letting her own light shine.


She is a healer that speaks and walks in abundance and this is exactly what my sessions with her have led me to. Nathallie will guide you into a new perspective towards the blockages in your life that need healing. 

She is a powerful, direct, nurturing and compassionate healer." 

Fiorella V.

How Can I Prepare For Our Work

Great question. Sessions are one hour long, and  a lot can be shifted during that time. 

To get the most out of our work, I suggest to each session with the following questions answered:

1️⃣ Where are you, now? What's going on? What's happening that you're concerned about or feeling challenged around? 

2️⃣ What are you wanting ultimately in this situation? If you could have anything, what would you receive and experience here?

3️⃣ Where are you feeling blocked around this? Why don't you feel confident that you can get what you ultimately desire, here? 

We can absolutely discuss more than one topic or challenge in each session. Just answer all three questions for each topic you'd like to work on. The more prepared you are with these answers, the more we can shift! 

And if answering the third question is difficult, I recommend grabbing the free 6 Steps From Stuck To Self Aware Bundle here

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