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Digital Course

Release. Reconnect.
& Recognize.


We've all heard the phrase, "insanity is what happens when you keep doing the same thing, expecting a different result."


This phrase is absolutely true as it applies to the act of co-creating, or manifesting, your reality. Manifestation is not just some hip buzzword or technique used to "hack" life. 


You're manifesting your reality all of the time. You're co-creating your reality with God whether you're doing so intentionally or not.


What happens is that most of us are creating our realities by default, as Abraham Hicks would say. We are calling in experiences, typically that are unwanted, based on expectations that we've developed as a natural consequence of our lived experience.



You watched your parents struggle to pay rent, and that experience taught you that taking financial responsibility for your life would be difficult. You watched your parents fight and argue and curse and scream; and that experience taught you that abuse is a part of relationships. Your parents ignored your cries for emotional support and care; and that taught you to ignore what you need and desire– it taught you that we have no power to influence authority figures to take care of you. 


The expectations that we form during our childhood experience don't just go away because we grow up and get degrees or buy new cars or find lovers. Those expectations stay with us... and they determine which experiences we call into our lives. 


It manifests as the anxiety you feel when you get a surprise bill or fee in the mail that wipes out your savings. Or the trouble you experience while job searching. Or the trouble you experience at your job. It manifests in the men that you attract who are emotionally unavailable and volatile. Or who just won't commit to a relationship with you. Or who you constantly worry about cheating on you. It manifests in the constant state of anxiety and looming doom that you experience. Or the fear that something could go wrong at any moment in time. Or the fear that if you get what you actually wanted something terrible might happen to you. 


Now, just because we're "calling it in" doesn't mean we want it. The first problem is that no one ever teaches us how to get what we want in the first place.


What they didn't teach you (probably because they had no fucking clue) is that your reality is just responding to you. You communicate what you want to happen through your dominant vibration– which is just spiritual speak for the beliefs you practice most often.


The second problem is that your dominant vibration is created by the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel... Which I'm sure you remember are most likely happening as a consequence of your shitty childhood experience. See where I'm going here? 


As a natural consequence of your lived experience, you've established some fucked up expectations that are calling disappointment, failure, struggle, and strife into your life. And you've got to do something different if you want to break out of this cycle of "insanity". To get a different result, you've got to do something different. To experience an emotionally fulfilling life, you've. got. to. do. something. different. And I'm going to tell you exactly what worked for me.


But first, a story.


No one believed in me when I started this business. Well, no one that I knew personally.


In college, I had friends that believed in astrology, and who were available for a tarot reading here and there. But there's a difference between doing something for entertainment, and doing something to get real life results,

you know? 


No one around me believed in their spirituality so much that they'd "risk it all" by leaving college, and pursuing this spiritual-based work full time. The people around me who half-heartedly believed in my work did not understand why I was leaving school for it.


There was gossip. There were people who pretended to be concerned.  And still, I did what I knew, in my heart, that I needed to do.

At the age of 19 years old, like 12 days before my 20th birthday, I left my "dream" college in NYC to start this business.


My Youtube channel had just reached 6,000 subscribers. That, combined with a passion for my purpose, my own inner knowing... and the millions of tarot readings of reassurance that I needed... was reason enough. 


After months of posting and practicing tarot readings online, the Etsy store I opened was booming. I started my second semester of college, going through the motions of the school day in eager anticipation of what I could do when I'd get back home to the Lower East Side. Although I shared a dorm room, the size of a shoebox, with two other young women, it had become my favorite place to be. I was buzzing with ideas. Video topics and ways to set things up. I was thinking of ways to create tarot decks and receive messages and share messages. My channel was growing beautifully, and it was becoming one of my only sources of joy. Youtube was doing for me what my college had done for me during my freshman year.


In my sophomore year, as I began healing more, I started to become aware of the toxic dynamics on my college campus. I began to resent what I had previously adored. I distanced myself from a lot of people and gossip and betrayal. I no longer felt emotionally safe on campus or at home. 


As the year progressed, I couldn't bring myself to do my work. I didn't want to do any of it.


Now, I'll admit, I've never been one to do all of the reading... But I couldn't even make it through a first page. It was serious. I couldn't focus. I'd sit in classrooms and my mind would wander. I wasn't present like I was before.


All I wanted to do was read tarot. I was receiving amazing feedback, and I was helping people. I was making a difference in their lives. I was being creative which was a plus, too. I didn't want to do anything else, and eventually I started to ask myself, "why?" Why did I keep going to a job where I felt like people were gossiping about me? Why did I keep going around friends that I knew were gossiping about me? Why did I keep going to classes that I didn't want to be in anymore? Why was I trying to get degrees that I never planned on using? Why was I on this path instead of the one that lit me up? 


I couldn't find a valid argument to stay.


So I didn't.


In March of 2019, I left college.


And in April of 2019, I started this business. 


I left school, and the following summer was rough. (The years that followed were rough, but we're just talking about the summer...) My subscriber count continued to grow, and so did my sales for a while, but it wasn't sustainable. I was overbooked, and working myself to exhaustion because I wasn't taking what I needed into consideration. I didn't know how. I wasn't raised to think about me or what I needed, and that manifested in the way I did business.


More often than not, I was burnt out. I wasn't making enough money to support myself, and I genuinely had no idea why. I was so unaware of how I felt, that I would work until I couldn't work anymore and my body would shut down.


I also had no idea how to process the painful experiences I'd had in college, which put an even bigger damper on things. Plus, I had a whole bunch of limiting beliefs about who I was and what was possible for me that were not helping. 


On top of it all, I felt this new pressure.

This pressure to succeed.

This pressure to make it.

This pressure to prove everyone wrong. 


I didn't come home to a parade, celebrating my courage and entrepreneurial spirit. I came home to the opposite. I was exhausted, and doubted by the people closest to me, including myself. I had no idea if I could do any of this. I had no idea how to run a business. I'd never paid taxes. I'd never completely supported myself. And I didn't come from a family that was equipped to help me with any of it, either. I didn't come from a family that taught me how to allow in support. 


My friends back home in Bakersfield weren't very supportive, either. They weren't as straightforward about it as my family was; but they didn't have the capacity to support my vision. Where there used to be harmony, suddenly there was tension. There were clashes. Lots of clashes. We didn't see the world in the same ways anymore.


Actually, we weren't living in the same world, anymore.


It took me three years to understand that I had decided to embark on a journey that required a commitment to a new version of myself. I was on the journey to becoming the woman who successfully runs a business. And a part of this journey was spent becoming the woman who can identify how she's feeling. And another part was becoming the woman who expresses her wants and needs. And another part was becoming the woman who could identify compatibility in relationships. 


Long story short, there's been a million little journeys within this larger one. What I didn't understand, however, was that the people in my life were not necessarily committing to moving through any of these journeys with me. The people in my life didn't choose to change just because I was deciding to create a new life for myself. That was incredibly difficult for me to navigate. 


A part of me refused to believe in myself because the people I loved didn't believe in me. For a long time, I felt like I needed to have them on board before I could really see the results I was wanting. For a long time, I took their choices very personally. Part of me thought they were right. For years, I wondered and feared if I was wrong. I thought that my failure was inevitable because they had always been my compass. My family and friends had been sources of guidance, directly and indirectly, teaching me how the world worked. When they didn't believe in my vision, it felt like my compass was telling me that I was wrong. 


But I felt something else, too. I felt chills and full body tingles– vibrations, really– as I drove my SUV through the canyons of Arizona, during one of my earliest cross-country rode trips.  


My face tingled so strongly, it was nearly numb, as I drove through the canyons, crying. Listening to gospel music, I remember I could feel the presence of my ancestors surrounding me. I could feel the love and support of something higher– something greater. It was on my side. They were on my side. Rooting for me. Practically pulling me forward. With love. And support. I could feel the energy moving through my body as I listened to Marvin Sapp declare that God saw the best in me, when everyone else around could only see the worst in me. In that moment, and the myriad of moments like it that would continue to come, I tapped further in to a new compass. I reconnected with an inner compass. An inner knowing. My inner being.


As I took off more often, leaving California without any idea how the money for food or gas or air bnb's would come, I unknowingly built a new foundation of self trust. I spent time exploring the country, and the money continued to come, and the things continued to be worked out, and I started to release the ideas that my spirituality wasn't worth being taken seriously. 


Soon, energetic shifts and releases became my new normal. Releasing the limiting stories about the world being unsafe and me being incapable became my new normal. Listening to my inner knowing, taking leaps of faith, sitting with the tough emotions and moving through the fear became my new normal. The more I traveled, the farther away from "home" I got; the realer, more palpable, my spirituality became. And the realer my spirituality became, the greater the distance I found between me and who I used to be.


Soon, I wasn't the "same old" Nathallie, anymore. 


I wasn't the girl willing to accept anything her friends said just because they were older. I wasn't willing to take advice from anyone just because they spoke with an authoritative, hyper masculine tone.  I was no longer the girl willing to ignore disrespect or neglect in my relationships. I decided to stop being the girl who wanted to commiserate over failed relationships. And at some point, I realized that I didn't want to spend my time around the people who were only compatible with the old me. 


The thing that nobody tells you about living in your truth, is that you have to be the one to break up with the old reality. 


The breaking up is what happens when you stop letting the old stories control your life.  Like, the story I used to tell myself that people couldn't afford to pay me. Or the fear I had that people might pay me and be dissatisfied with my services; and then they'd have "lost" money by working with me. I felt like if I couldn't please one person, then I wouldn't be able to please most people; and that I should just quit before that inevitable disaster hit. 


What manifested as a result? 


I attracted clients who could never afford to pay me. And I attracted clients who would argue with me about the messages I channeled for them. I attracted clients who misinterpreted things that I said and who didn't have the communication skills, or desire, to reach a peaceful resolution. It just felt like I couldn't win. And a part of me didn't want to win. Because I felt so unsafe, my brain was hyper-focussed on everything that was going wrong... And what we focus on, we attract. So I attracted more experiences that felt like failures; and it made a part of me want to run away and hide. I felt like all I did was attract chaos whenever I got paid. So... a part of me did not want to get paid. 


My income was blocked by my fears and my limiting beliefs. And business suffered because I didn't know how to get unstuck. I tried working with other mentors and strategists. But no amount of effort will compensate for a lack of belief or energetic alignment with your desired outcome. 


And it's not just in business. 


In romance, I felt like men were inherently selfish and mean-spirited. II didn't know it consciously, but I believed that all men were unfaithful, sexually deviant and manipulative. I was afraid of rejection and abandonment. Actually, I expected to be rejected and pushed away because of my body and my flaws and my emotional needs. I believed that no man would ever want to take care of me because I was too needy. I had a deep rooted distrust of men as a consequence of my own trauma and the experiences of women in my family. I didn't feel safe with men. 


Of course, this manifested in my dating life. 


I couldn't build safe relationships with men. Partially because I didn't have a relationship with myself where I could meet my own needs, let alone tell a man what I needed from him. And partially because I didn't feel safe with men. A part of me perceived men as a threat, so I kept them at a distance. Energetically, I expected to be abandoned– and that's what happened. I was ghosted. so many fucking times. I had situationships with men who I knew wanted me... and it just never. came. together. Because a part of me didn't want it to. Actually, many parts of me didn't want it to. So, I never got what I wanted. 


And that's the thing about your reality. You're going to get what you expect. Without fail. Your reality is only a reflection of your belief system. 


So when you believe that a man, or a kind of boss, or a type of client, or an income level isn't possible for you... it won't be. When you expect to be let down, neglected, and betrayed... you will be. Without fail.


This is why you have to be the one to learn how to identify the patterns that are calling in the bullshit, unwanted experiences. You have to be the one to identify the stories of struggle and strife. You have to be the one to tell yourself that they're just not true. You have to be the one to walk away from your family's bad-feeling way of living life. You have to recognize that you get to have more. You have to be the one to reconnect with God and your inner being, establishing your own relationship. You have to be the one to learn how to tap into a new reality. And you have to be the one to think the thoughts and do the things that will support that reality in manifesting. 


Would you like to know the greatest thing about this? 


The greatest part of this whole deal is that when you successfully release the old bullshit, and you reconnect to your own inner knowing, you are able to recognize your personal power.


It's no longer about who doesn't like you or who isn't supporting you. It's no longer about your fears and worst case scenarios. It's no longer about what the people around you are saying or doing or expecting. It's all about you. 


When the limiting beliefs can no longer hold you back, you become unstoppable.  You recognize the influence you have over your own life. You get to call in whatever the fuck you want. You get to live out your soul's purpose. You get to change the world with your god-given gifts. 


You're the only one who can free you from these patterns; but you're not alone. One of the greater byproducts of this powerful journey I have meandered through is that I get to help you on yours. So, although you are the one with the power, I get to help you step into it. And that's pretty damn cool. It's the reason I left college 4 years ago. And this course, along with the multitude of adventures I've had over the years, make that decision I made in faith so damn worth it. 


There was so much that I didn't know that I didn't know. The journey was not as easy as I thought it would be, but it left me with this process. It left me with some amazing tools for navigating life and co-creating with God.


In this course, I share the tools I've accumulated with you, too.  


Back in 2019, I couldn't tell you how I felt without using the words, "happy," "sad," or "pissed the fuck off". I had started this business, and I was growing increasingly frustrated by the way I felt. My overall mood wasn't improving and I was ready for something more. Now, I actually didn't know how I felt or what I needed at the time. I didn't know what exactly I wanted, or what it would look like, but all I knew was that I wasn't happy or satisfied. All I knew was that I was looking for a better feeling. So that's where I was guided to start. I focussed on learning to identify what I felt, and what stories I was telling myself. Specifically, I focussed on what stories I was telling myself that limited what I allowed to manifest into my life. 


It turned out, by focussing on growing follower counts and depending on numbers to bring me the good feelings I couldn't name, but knew I wanted, I was looking for a feeling of being good enough and being worthy of love.  


I was doing the cliche thing where you look for, externally, what you can only find within. Now, this isn't a course where we condemn and shame the material things. No. No. No. I am very much a material girl. We heal and shift the internal to create a better external. Because we want a beautiful life.


We want a life that looks beautiful and feels beautiful, too. That's what you're learning to create when you join the Release, Reconnect, & Recognize Course.


The work that I do isn't just about reaching a goal or obtaining a desire. It's about creating an emotionally fulfilling life. And over the course of 5 years, I've learned what it means to do that.


I learned to identify what I felt. and I learned to identify my limiting stories. and I learned to release those stories. and I learned how to connect to my soul, my inner being. I learned how to tune in to my internal guidance. and I learned how to listen. I learned how to work with the Universe and my spirit team. And I learned how to allow myself to receive what I want. I learned how to allow in support. I learned how to discern who to receive support from. I learned how to trust and advocate for myself. And I learned how to tell anyone trying to talk me out of my own inner wisdom to "fuck off".


I learned how to navigate the rocky waters of emotional growth on the journey to my desires.

And in this beautiful, powerful course, I teach you how to do the same. 


When you choose to receive more than you've ever received before, you are choosing to elevate above where you're coming from. The vibration you're coming from. The familial patterns you're coming from. The neighborhood you grew up in. The people you went to school with.


You are choosing to receive more happiness. more love. more money. more peace. more everything than the people you grew up with. more everything than the people who raised you.


The cost of the choices you are making is your willingness to play small. It's your willingness to allow the emotions/feelings/desires/limitations of others to determine what you get to experience in your life. 


To shift into greater, you must be willing to be greater, better, and more successful than others; even when they hate you for it. You must be willing to be happier than others are allowing themselves to be. This course was created to help you do just that.


You're walking away from everything you've ever known. In this course, I make it easier than it would be to do it on your own. I make it easier to identify the patterns keeping you stuck. to tap into the vibration of something new. to understand why you are worthy of it all— and the best part is that I teach you how to allow it all in. 


I used to think that all you had to do was heal. I thought that I would move past the old stories and then things would get better. But it turns out that there's more. You have to learn how to move through the past shit, and you have to learn how to create the new, really really good shit.


I break it all down. I make it all simple. I help you understand why it works the way it does and I teach you the steps to take to create true change. 


I help make the phrase, "the better it gets, the better it gets" true for you. Because when you clear out the old, you're no longer perpetuating the harmful beliefs that create the harmful experiences. And when you prepare the energy and are intentional and clear about what you desire, you put yourself in a position where you are creating without and regardless of fear. You put yourself in a position of empowerment. 


Right here and rigth now, you are understanding how to consciously create your reality. This means, the days of victimizing yourself are over. the things you experience get to become reflections of what's alive within you instead of opportunities to internalize stories about what's wrong with you. your worst days always pave the way for your better tomorrows. you are learning alchemy. you are learning to use the shit you were born into as manure to grow something greater. where you used to see nothing but shit, you learn to see fertility. And when you see nothing but opportunity, you experience nothing but growth. and expansion. and positive forward movement. 


This is a course about shifting your perspective on how the world works.


It's a course on shifting your beliefs about what's possible for you. It's a course about coming into the truth of who you are like never before. It's a course about learning to understand that God is on your side. It's a course about opening up to the truth that there's something greater, bigger, pulling for your victory. It's about learning how to align with that something greater. It's about letting it be easy. Letting it get easier and easier. Learning to have more faith and trust. Developing a greater relationship with the Divine, and allowing your own internal guidance system to guide you to where you want to go.


This course will be most impactful for the woman dedicated to creating an emotionally fulfilling life, who is determined to see things differently, and who is willing to be open to new thoughts and ways of being. 


Just like all of my other work, the contents of this course are raw and vulnerable. Over the course of 13 weeks, you'll get access to 30+ hours of trainings that feature real-life examples. With trainings recorded during epiphanies I've experienced over the course of the past 3 years, you'll learn how to overcome with ease because you'll be watching me overcome right alongside you. I am so honored and excited to have been called to teach you these concepts. If you are feeling called to join, you'll feel a pull in your soul– maybe a feeling of an expanding glow in your chest, or a feeling of giddiness and excitement. Either way, I trust you. 


Learn more about the contents of the course below, or click that button to enroll now. 


I love you so much, 


I can't wait to hear about your wins,




Contents of The Course:


  1. Module 1: "Feel Better Than Others": You will gain a more practical understanding of enmeshment. Then, you'll learn to set and hold boundaries no matter what environment you're in. You'll change your relationship with love and connection by no longer choosing to connect with others through struggle. Learn what it means to be an emotionally immature adult. Begin developing greater interpersonal skills like communicating for clarity and developing intimacy to build genuine authentic connection. You'll understand how to set boundaries with emotionally immature people. Complete with digital journal which has affirmations, journal prompts, and a printable oracle deck.

    1. Bonus: Freeing Yourself From How They Feel. 

    2. Bonus: Feel Better Than Others Pt. 2.

  2. Module 2: "Preparing For Overflow": You will learn to identify and walk away from the limiting beliefs of your family and immediate environment. You will learn to view yourself as the ultimate authority figure in your life. You'll learn to be the one to determine your values instead of just accepting what you've been told. You'll learn to move through feelings of fear, shame, and guilt you experience as a consequence of your upbringing. What if the things you were taught to hate about yourself could actually be worthy of love? What if they could actually be your greatest strengths? You'll also begin understanding how to release the "how" and develop more trust and faith. Complete with a fillable, digital journal which has affirmations, practices, and journal prompts.

    1. ​Bonus: Releasing The How & Establishing Faith. The How, Who, & When aren't our job to focus on or to know. Here's why. You and the Universe are on the same team. You're working towards the same goal. It's time to nurture that relationship, and let God do their part. 

  3. Module 3: "Learning New Skills & Releasing Intragenerational Trauma": Release fear, shame, and guilt surrounding starting a new chapter in your life. Your journey to a new circumstance looks like developing new skills [emotional skills, communication skills, self confidence and self esteem, etc]. Learn to feel better about stepping into a new cycle. Learn to feel better about releasing intragenerational limiting stories on a cellular level (powerful meditation to support you in doing this during the workshop). Are you willing to see that you deserve to get your needs met, no matter how "well" you perform? Do you understand that confidence is a result? Are you willing to allow in the courage to start a new cycle with your fear? Module is complete with a fillable, digital journal which has affirmations, practices, and journal prompts.​​

    1. Bonus: EFT Tapping Into A New Paradigm Series. 7 EFT Videos with scripts and accompanying audios full of shifts. Made to support you in releasing the experiences of the past, and settling into greater feelings of safety and success.

  4. Module 4:"Tapping Into Courage & A New Vibration": Learn to move through fear and powerlessness like never before. Understand more how to tap into the vibration of your desire with a focus on your environment. Learn how to create an environment in alignment with your desire, even if you aren't *physically* moving, yet. Are you willing to surround yourself with people whose values and beliefs reflect what you are choosing to create? Can you see yourself in a new way? Module is complete with a fillable, digital journal which has affirmations, practices, and journal prompts.

    1. Bonus: Importance Of Meaning; & How To Feel Safe. How you interpret your reality matters. Here's why. Understand how to feel safe right here and right now; and as your desires manifest.

    2. Bonus: Inner Child Integration Example.

    3. Bonus: Forgiveness, Revenge, & Your Focus. Understand how I define forgiveness, and how I use it to make space for what you desire. You'll also learn to use the pain and betrayal that you've experienced to fulfill your life's purpose, if that's what you feel called to do. 

    4. Bonus: I Want You, I Don't Need You. How you relate to your desires matters. Here's why.

  5. Module 5: "Self Love & Good Enough": Learn what it means to be good enough. Learn how to tap further and further into the feelings of being worthy of more. Learn what it means to love yourself and to teach yourself how you deserve to be treated. Can you see that you are good enough? Do you believe that you are worthy of your desires? Do you love yourself? Do you take care of yourself and meet your needs in every aspect of life? Were you raised to sacrifice yourself and your needs to please others? Are you willing to develop a new definition of self love? Module is complete with a fillable, digital journal which has affirmations, practices, and journal prompts.

    1. Bonus: EFT Tapping For Going Bigger Than Ever Before. Tap into courage as you communicate to yourself on a mind and body level that it is safe to elevate and be seen. Ease concerns and move forward towards your desire, more confident in your ability to navigate change than ever before.

  6. Module 6: "What Truth Are You Choosing?": Understand that different truths are available for us to subscribe to and create our reality from. Learn how to choose the paradigm you want to live in. Learn to allow it to get easier for the new experiences to manifest as you choose your paradigm and solidify those new truths. Complete with a fillable, digital journal which has affirmations, practices, and journal prompts

    1. Bonus: ​Expanding & Exploring Your Desired Vibration

    2. Bonus: Understanding How Energy Flows. When we understand how energy flows, and how we can easily influence said flow, we are able to create with much more ease and confidence. 

    3. Bonus: Shifting Your Identity. Exclusive Audio plus the free Shifting Your Identity Masterclass [linked below]. Complete with an exclusive digital journal to support you in releasing the old truths that do not support you in creating the reality of your desire.

    4. Bonus: Create Your Own Way To Tap Into The Vibe. You’ve learned how to tap into the vibration of your desire. Now, learn how to do it in your own way. Learn how to create specific exercises that will help you tap into the vibe. 


Bonus Bundles:

  1. Manifestation 101 Bundle:

    1. Workshop: "Asking To Feel Better" Workshop The basics of manifestation, broken down into five, practical steps. Gain a greater understanding of what it means to experience trauma. Learn how trauma impacts vibration and what we are willing to allow ourselves to receive. This is foundational for what we work through in the course.

    2. Video: "Your Emotions Are Not Stopping You" Develop a new relationship with your emotions, your resistance, and even your bodily health. Learn how to approach yourself in a better feeling way instead of pushing against a bad feeling, or beating yourself up for feeling resistant towards your desire. You'll also learn to release fear of ending up [unhappy, powerless, afraid] like your parents or caregivers. 

    3. Audio: "You’re Not 'Trying' To Manifest It" Drop the story that you're struggling to make something manifest. Understand that God is on your side. Understand what it means when we say that "what you want, wants you". 

    4. Audio: Dwelling In/Expecting Disappointment? Do This! Learn how to release a fear and expectation of disappointment. Understand the relevance of vibrational opposites and how to use them to your advantage.

    5. Audio: Releasing Fear Of Your [Negative] Emotions Learn how to manage your emotions better. Emotions can feel larger than life if you were raised in an environment where you were not taught to process and manage them. If you were shamed for feeling bad, you likely began to shame yourself for feeling negative emotions. Shift away from resisting your emotional state, and learn how to work with your affirmations in better feeling ways. Begin to understand more about the role your emotions play in your life and in your manifestation process as you develop a better relationship with your emotional body, and thus yourself. 

    6. Video: Vibration, Imagination & Choice. Understand the correlation between imagination and vibration. Do you habitually use your imagination to focus on what might go wrong, causing anxiety? Learn to release the fear of a worst case scenario with this video. 

  2. Inner Child Bundle:

    1. ​Deck: NathHughes' Affirmation Oracle Deck. Printable, 80 card deck with affirmations to serve you in identifying limiting beliefs/patterns. Complete with journal prompts to assist you in your shadow work as you identify and replace unhelpful stories! 

    2. Deck: The Asking To Feel Better Affirmation Deck. This printable deck of 48 affirmations was created to help you choose downstream thoughts which support you in experiencing emotional relief! There are several affirmations for every. single. bad feeling emotion/vibration on the emotional guidance scale. This is the deck that will meet you at depression and despair, and tell you exactly what to say— and what to ask, so that you can begin feeling better. Deck is complete with journal prompts to assist you in your shadow work as you identify and replace unhelpful stories that your emotions are communicating to you. 

    3. Journal Prompts: Questions to help you identify and integrate inner children as old stories are triggered. Can be used alongside the decks (which is super powerful, by the way) or alone.  

Once you purchase, you will receive immediate access to the Bonus Bundles as your pre-work. You will get access to the additional modules bi-weekly. Bonuses to each module are released throughout their designated week. You will receive emails when access is granted to the additional modules. To better understand the pace of the course, you can find an overview/schedule on the purchase page by clicking the "enroll now" button below.


"...As a natural consequence of the

trauma and experiences I had as a child, I grew up with a struggle mentality and I told myself

narratives that I was destined for struggle, that I was unworthy and not good enough. I

subconsciously continued the momentum of these stories by continuing to tell myself them day

after day, year after year. As I have watched more of Nathallie’s videos, I became more and

more conscious of the ways I have chosen to participate in these stories... Listening to Nathallie’s audios about taking a look at the narratives we’re telling ourselves makes you look at what you have been perpetuating. This is something I have avoided because the perspective I have held was that I was bad if I perpetuated my own pain and suffering. I think one of the most powerful things I have adopted from Nathallie is a distinction between actuality and reality. I am developing a strong belief system through

affirmations, through journaling, through audios that I am inherently worthy for simply existing..."


– Hailee A. 

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