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Hailee's Testimony

I used to believe the story that feeling good was something that either was or wasn’t, with little room to switch from the two. As a result of working with Nathallie’s content, I have realized the importance of the narratives we tell ourselves and how this is just a story I have believed in.


I am learning all the ways in which feeling better is a choice. There is no pressure that I need to place on myself where I MUST feel better or else. And at the same time, there does not need to be resistance to feeling better because it's a choice I'm willingly choosing.


My dominant vibration for my entire 21 years of life has been a lower vibration. One that has revolved feelings of disappointment, powerlessness, victimhood, self pity etc. As a natural consequence of the trauma and experiences I had as a child, I grew up with a struggle mentality and I told myself narratives that I was destined for struggle, that I was unworthy and not good enough. I subconsciously continued the momentum of these stories by continuing to tell myself them day after day, year after year. As I have watched more of Nathallie’s videos,  I become more and more conscious of the ways I have chosen to participate in these stories. I sometimes feel unpleasant emotions rise towards myself because of my participation in it, and I feel like It makes me a bad person. I have long associated the word bad with being unworthy. However the goal in becoming conscious of these narratives isn’t to change them with the intention of being “good”, or more worthy.


It gets to be as simple as becoming conscious enough to choose a story that feels better because I want to feel better in my day to day life.


I participated in the momentum of those stories– it happened. And it gets to just be, without needing to label myself as bad. Listening to Nathallie’s audios about taking a look at the narratives we’re telling ourselves makes you look at what you have been perpetuating. This is something I have avoided because the perspective I have held was that I was bad if I perpetuated my own pain and suffering. I think one of the most powerful things I have adopted from Nathallie is a distinction between actuality and reality. I am developing a strong belief system through affirmations, through journaling, through audios that I am inherently worthy for simply existing. In actuality, I just exist. I just am.


There is something impenetrable about a person who sees themselves from a lens of just being–that no matter how you exist, you are worthy for simply being.


And at the same time, our experiences in life are shaped by the stories we tell ourselves and that’s where the prompts, affirmations, and audios have been game changers. Because when you realize that you've been telling yourself stories that you’re unworthy and that you are only surviving, then you are struggling as a result of the momentum these stories have created. But when you realize that you are creating your reality, co-creating with the universe, suddenly feeling better is not a black and white concept, it becomes a choice. That’s not to say we won’t experience a spectrum of emotions or experiences that maybe don’t always feel so pleasant. But that’s to say that we have power over our dominant vibration– over our baseline. Our baseline is the home we continuously come back to most often. You can have a shitty feeling experience but if your baseline is one of contentment, then it doesn’t last long because you know you can come back home to that feeling of peace. This alone has supported me in empowering myself because I wasn’t even conscious of my own dominant vibration until working with Nathallie’s content. Because my dominant vibration for so long has been one of unworthiness, I have felt resistance to feeling better because of the narrative I told myself that I would always feel shitty– that I would never enjoy life. I battled myself by placing immense pressure to feel good even when I felt shitty, or on the opposite end, rejecting feeling good because it wasn’t the vibration I was accustomed to living in.


In these moments of pressure and resistance I have found the affirmations particularly helpful because I can radically accept how I feel, I can verbalize it, journal it and implement affirmations that still fully honor, love and accept myself.


I can implement affirmations that communicate to my subconscious, my inner being, the universe, that even though I feel a certain way, I am open to feeling better and open to a higher perspective. And THAT is powerful. I have begun shifting in so many ways as my dominant vibration moves into one of empowerment. Every time I use the journals or affirmations to verbally honor myself I feel empowered.  It is powerful to radically honor yourself through some of the most unpleasant feeling experiences, shifting gears to use that momentum in order to move towards something that feels better.


This isn’t a matter of "do you feel good?" or "do you feel shitty?". This is a matter of opening up a conversation with yourself to ask, "how do you feel now?" and "how do you want to feel?", "how do you want to feel most often? what do you want your baseline to be?" These are the questions I am asking myself that sometimes feel foreign because they’re ones I never asked myself before. To be honest, my immediate reaction was to reject the process of this because of how accustomed I am to the lower vibration I have been in. I knew I wanted to feel better but I had interfering stories that I was telling myself where it would be impossible. This resistance towards opening myself up to feeling better has provided me with amazing opportunities to utilize the prompts, and to ask myself how I feel resisting has benefited me.


I get to accept the resistance without perpetuating it even further.


I get to dig a little into how I feel it has been serving me. It provides me with an opportunity to continue practicing radical self acceptance by playing with these thoughts. Combining this with affirmations allows the opening up to feel more natural. In the past I have had a tendency to put immense pressure on myself to change or hold a lot of resistance. But by allowing myself to acknowledge how I feel, I have been protecting myself through resistance while also verbally communicating that even though I feel this way I am open– and THAT is learning to shift with more ease. That is expressing that I want to feel better and live with greater ease. Because now we are truly accepting our present reflection and also creating some momentum to move forward towards better feelings. It is looking where we are at presently and accepting how we feel. I am radically accepting when I feel like shit and not rejecting the emotion or placing pressure to feel good when I don’t. But it’s deciding I don't want to live in it. I want to live better.


And making this choice of feeling better has quite honestly felt terrifying at times because I do not know a single person in my life that has done this.


I begin feeling fear and anxiety about "what if it doesn’t get better?" It brings up all the narratives that do not align with me choosing to feel better. It brings up the belief that I am inherently wrong or unworthy of feeling better. It brings up stories that feeling better than my mother, my friends, and my family makes me evil because they don’t feel as good as I want to feel. I have found EFT tapping and the journaling to be especially helpful here because I feel like I'm genuinely holding space for myself to release all of the emotions that have been trapped in not only my mind but my physical body.


I am working through these emotions and old beliefs with the tools provided by Nathallie.


No matter what form I am using: the prompts, the affirmations, the videos, the audios, or the EFT tapping; I begin to feel lighter after interacting with the content because I am tapping into the vibration of feeling better. I am tapping into and connecting with the energy of someone that feels worthy, that is actively showing up for themselves choosing to feel better.  And as a natural result of this, I begin to feel better because I begin playing with this energy. Everytime I watch a video or say an affirmation, I begin to feel better. Sometimes it’s immediately, sometimes hours later or a few days later, after taking root in my subconscious. I am planting seeds everytime I choose to interact with the content because It is an expression of me choosing to feel better.


In the past, I have associated healing with being a chore but the journaling prompts specifically have provided me with space to be playful.


Choosing to feel better gets to feel exciting when I play with the energy of the new stories I want to tell myself. I get excited when I think about what it looks like to feel better than others. I get excited about thinking about all the new stories I want to tell myself about my life, my relationships, and my success. I get to play in this energy which honestly feels like I’m tapping into not only my inner being, but also my inner child, because I get to use my imagination and envision as large as I want because the limit does not exist!


I am the only limit. In other words, only I can stop myself.


Every time I interact with the content, especially the journaling, I feel more connected to my inner being because there’s a place for me to play with what feels good and what doesn’t. And there is space for me to change. There is space for what feels good to change. I get to be playful about it. It gets fun when I think about the new narratives and how I want to be treated and valued in friendships. I tap into my inner being more and more when I allow myself to be free of restraint, free from beliefs that having grand dreams makes me selfish.


Nathallie, through all of her absolutely amazing content has provided me with all of the tools to establish a new foundation, a foundation where feeling better is the baseline.


Feeling better is the new normal. And what I love most about all of the content, is that it truly provides a spectrum of experiences. I get to laugh and feel lighthearted when watching certain videos. Hearing her own personal stories and connections to her work feels inspiring.


One of the most powerful feelings I have begun normalizing that is a direct result of tapping into Nathallie’s vibration, through her work, is being completely and utterly inspired.


Inspired to feel better. Inspired to show up and choose myself. And once you feel inspired? It just keeps coming and it flows into all areas of your life. Being inspired lights me up. Being inspired makes me feel better. Being inspired naturally makes me feel tapped into my inner being because there’s a million things I am inspired to do now in terms of my career, the experiences I wanna have, the massive dreams I have for my life– and for society at large. I feel amazing when I am inspired. I am continuously inspired to feel better and enjoy my life, and that is the beautiful new foundation that Nathallie’s work has blessed me with.

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