Something has to change.
Because if one more man comes into your life, only to ignore your text messages and emotional needs…
Or if one more person, or company, comes into your life with the intent to receive more than they are willing to give, leaving you feeling exhausted, used, overwhelmed, and unseen in the process…
You. are. going. to. lose. your. shit.
No matter what you're going through, or wanting to create... you're done asking yourself the questions, "Why does this keep happening to me?" and "When is it going to be my turn to receive?"
So, yeah. Something has to change.
And if you’re here, then you’re ready for me to tell you the truth: The thing that really, really has to change… is you.
*Don’t* get into self blame and shame just yet, though. I'll elaborate.
You don’t have to change everyone and everything else in the world in order to get your happily ever after… the only thing you have to change is your mindset. your thoughts. your perspective. your energy. Don't you just love that idea?
Now, what I'm sharing with you is not the idea that you’re doing something *wrong* and needing to change in order to be worthy of love or whatever you desire…
What I'm sharing with you is the idea that you are powerfully creating your reality. Your thoughts, beliefs, and energy are actively creating your reality right here and right now. So when you decide that you’re ready for something different… your job is to turn inward, to the source.
And going inward is certainly better feeling than having to change everyone around you, isn't it? I know you've had enough of trying to do that. Trust me, I've been there, too. Trying to convince men to change and treat me better. Trying to convince other people to pay me more money. Feeling powerless because I kept attracting incompatible friends and lovers and audience members in my online business/platform.
And because I’m so similar to you [this is a wonderful compliment, btw]… I also know that you would do anything to get yourself to where you want to be. Well— anything that lit your soul on fire and made your heart glow with anticipation, that is.
You and me, we’re self-led women who follow our hearts wherever they may lead us. But sometimes… it seems like our hearts are leading us into some messy fucking places, doesn’t it?
I’m so happy that you’re here, so that I can share this epiphany with you… The truth is this: the consequences of your shitty childhood lead you astray… not your powerful, wild heart.
Around 95% of the choices you make are coming from your subconscious mind. And the subconscious beliefs making up (aka influencing) your subconscious mind are created primarily between the ages of 0-7.
So, really, it’s not you *as a grownup* that’s ignoring the red flags of the feminine, conflict avoidant, emotionally unavailable, and noncommittal men…
Truthfully, it’s not your wild heart, bursting with intuitive wisdom and courage, that’s ignoring the red flags foretelling the ghosting tendencies of your latest Hinge match turned situationship…
More accurately, it’s the little you that's influencing these choices. The one who felt rejected in the 2nd grade when your crush gave you that ugly, impersonal valentines day card... it’s the version of you who took that to mean that you weren’t as good as the girl named Carolyne who got the card you wanted.
I’d argue that it’s you, who felt abandoned and unworthy as you cried for your mom to pick you up while she just ignored you… it’s the version of you who believed you were in the wrong when she condemned your attention seeking behavior… it's the version of you who learned that she should ask for less if she ever wanted to fit in and be loved.
Right now, your subconscious mind is full of unhelpful stories about who you are and what you get to have. These stories, that have built momentum as you’ve continued to tell them over time, come together to manifest in real-life scenarios. Every single thing from your body to your salary, and how you’re treated at work, is a reflection of these stories.
Hi, if you're new here. My name is Nathallie Hughes. And over the past four years, I have mastered the art of identifying, releasing, and rearranging the stories that keep us stuck in unwanted situations. I've coached many women into new jobs, businesses, apartments, and relationships. I've also supported my clients in building more self confidence, clarity, and empowerment in their lives. As a psychic medium, manifestation, mindset, and life coach, my job is to teach you how to do this powerful work for yourself. My goal is to help you experience the emotional fulfillment, that you inherently deserve, in every aspect of life.
So, which stories are you telling? Are they stories of triumph and ease? Or are they stories of unworthiness, struggle, and fear?
Most people don’t know. Most people never know. Because most people can’t identify how they feel. Nor can they identify what unhelpful stories they’re telling themselves about who they are, who they get to be, and what they get to have.
But you’re not like most people. You’re like me. You’re committed to your growth. And you’ll do whatever it takes to get yourself to the reality of your desire. I like that about us.
So, here’s the deal. You can’t change your reality without changing your beliefs. Nor can you change your beliefs (processing, understanding, and releasing the pain of the past) without knowing how the fuck you feel, or what thoughts are making you feel that way.
That is why this free offer is going to change your life.
Briefly, let's talk manifestation.
You attract [friends, lovers, boyfriends, jobs, money, homes, etc] from your dominant vibration. And your dominant vibration is made up of the stories in your subconscious mind. See how it's all coming together?
When you subconsciously see yourself as someone who isn't skinny enough... who's living in a world where only skinny people get hot boyfriends... your dominant vibe in romance is repelling the hotties. So you never get hit on. Or the hotties don't ever want to date you seriously... or publicly. [no judgement, I've been there.]
As long as you continue believing the stories you began telling in your childhood... you will continue repelling the right men, partners, friends, jobs, income, or whatever else you desire. So your first job is to name those stories, which we call limiting beliefs.
Well, identifying your limiting beliefs can feel difficult because you aren't telling these shitty stories consciously. You've been thinking so lowly of yourself for so long that your brain is naturally doing the work of firing neural pathways that make you feel like shit... with very minimal effort on your conscious part.
Most mindset mentors and coaches (myself included) say phrases like, "you feel unworthy of love" or "you're afraid to get what you want" when they're identifying your limiting beliefs. And they're not wrong...
Except, how often are you thinking, "I wish I had a man to hold me right now; too bad I'm not worthy of one..." to yourself?
Probably never.
But do you know what is probably happening?
You're thinking, "Of course this happens to me... Of course I think this nice, hot guy is coming into my life to stay; and he just wants sex... of course!"
And THAT, my friend, is your limiting belief. In the flesh. In living color. Right here, in front of your very eyes.
Those are the thoughts that need to be shifted. But 9 times out of 10... you're thinking phrases like that and feeling unworthy without even stopping to acknowledge it. Or you're just feeling like shit without inspecting those feelings. This is another reason why we call them the stories of your "unconscious" mind. Because they're outside of your awareness.
Your job is to become self aware. That's how you get unstuck. That's how you take the power away from your subconscious mind and put it back in the hands of your consciousness, so to speak.
When you just pay a bit more attention to the things you're saying, thinking, and feeling, you'll be able to identify their limiting beliefs with ease!
To make this even easier for you, I've created the 6 Steps From Stuck To Self Aware bundle.
You will use this process to easily identify and clearly label any limiting belief.
With this process, you will learn how to interpret your reality, emotions, and thoughts in order to figure out what the hell is the root cause of all the drama.
Here's why you need this: two contrasting vibrations can't be held at the same time. We can't feel fear and safety at the same time. We can't feel worthy and unworthy at the same time.
While you're feeling like shit, subconsciously telling yourself stories of stress and strife, you can't maintain the vibrations of peace and success. This means you will continue to sabotage any good shit you might be able to call in.
Not understanding this is the reason why I've fallen short on many a goal. I'd gotten clients, except they weren't paying the price of my dreams. I'd moved out of my mother's home, and into homes/apartments that were... not ideal. I'd manifested dream men, who weren't ever committing to me in the way that I wanted them to...
In order to get what I truly desired, I had to believe that I could have it. I had to believe that I was worthy of it. That I could achieve it.
Back then, I didn't even notice my disbelief. And that's okay. Because shifting the beliefs is the easy part. Sure, it takes discipline and commitment and the right tools; but identifying the limiting beliefs is by far the hardest part.
That's why I can't believe I'm giving you the best tool that I've ever created for free.
It’s time to start telling the story that you’re the woman who gets her needs met. the woman who men love, cherish, and support. the woman who is well respected and taken care of in her home and career. the woman who lives comfortably, easily. the woman who’s worthy. the woman who’s empowered. the woman with the power to change her whole fucking life.
The 6 Steps From Stuck To Self Aware Bundle is your first step. I'm very excited to support you in building these foundational skills that will make your manifestation process that much easier.
With this bundle, you will master the art of interpreting your reality. You will learn to feel safe feeling and identifying your emotions. You will learn to identify the limiting beliefs being reflected back to you in any given scenario. And you will learn how to open up to receiving support from the Universe with… all of it.
Welcome home to your power.
Inside The Bundle:
6 Steps From Stuck To Self Aware Digital Journal: My signature 6 step process for identifying any limiting belief. Answer 6 questions, fill out the template, et voila!
Prayer To Identify Your Limiting Beliefs: Most people don't know how to pray in an effective way... aka one that doesn't sound like pleading with no expectation of receiving answers. Lucky for you, I'm what old, southern, black baptists would call a prayer warrior. You'll use this prayer to powerfully set the intention to be open to seeing things differently. Trust me, it works. If you're sensitive to energy, you'll feel it moving while you read aloud. I know I did.
Meditation For Feeling Your Feelings: Originally found inside of the Release, Reconnect, And Recognize course, this meditation provides foundational concepts necessary for your emotional maturation and fulfillment. For a limited time, when you claim your bundle, you'll receive a free copy. In this 15 minute meditation, you will develop a new relationship with your emotions; cultivating one where you feel safe to feel and utilize them as the tool that they are. When we ignore our feelings, we deny our own internal reality. That's fine and all, except our external reality isn't ignoring our internal reality. In fact, our internal reality is creating our external reality. So it's really in alignment for our highest good to be aware of what the hell is going on within us. That's what this meditation is for.
What People Are Saying...
"I grew up with a struggle mentality and I told myself narratives that I was destined for struggle, that I was unworthy and not good enough. I subconsciously continued the momentum of these stories by continuing to tell myself them day after day, year after year. As I have watched more of Nathallie’s videos, I become more and more conscious of the ways I have chosen to participate in these stories."
Hailee A.
"She’s a life coach… and that’s what she does: she coaches. And it feels like... what does the coach do? the coach gets you ready to go into the game…
It started off like, ‘I don’t know…. maybe I can kind of dribble, I guess…” to… the most recent time we’ve worked together it was more like, ‘ Put me in, coach!’
[She] coaches through the different things that are going on, not only currently, but figuring out where it is that I was holding myself back.”
Jordyn R.
"I’m more aware of what’s going on. In terms of like, my emotions...
If I’m anxious… My mind isn’t… hiding from it. My mind is just like ‘why are you anxious?’ and I’m like ‘huh… that’s a change!’
If I’m having anxiety, I’m like ‘why am I having anxiety?’ ‘oh. Because this, this, and this…’ like… my mind kind of works differently now, and kind of picks up on certain things now where like before I wouldn’t be aware of that. I would just be like ‘oh… just bury it…’ "
Brianna S.