The Receiver's Mindset.
The professional woman's blueprint to deliberately calling in more love, money, and care without self doubt, nagging-guilt, or crippling fear.
Your happiness and fulfillment are a big deal.
And a life where you’re not fulfilled is a form of neglect.
The difference between an emotionally fulfilled life and a dissatisfied one, is your mindset. The difference between a neglected wellbeing and a satisfied wellbeing is your mindset.
More specifically, the difference between making $300, $3,000, $30,000, and $300,000 is your mindset. It's not your skillset. It's not the size of your team. It's not the people in your network. It's not the higher ups who don't appreciate you enough. It's your mindset.
And in romance, the difference between attracting man-children with peter pan syndrome, and grown men ready to commit... is the same thing. It's not your body type. It's not your intimidating income level and demeanor. It's not your desire for commitment. It's not even the kind of guy you find attractive. It's. your. mindset.
If you don't believe that people can afford to pay you.... or that companies are willing to give you that desired salary... or that you get to meet emotionally available men who check off all of your boxes, and are ready for commitment... you're going to have a hard time receiving and advocating for your wellbeing. You're going to struggle to be exclusively available to your desires.
You're going to spend your time arguing for your own suffering instead of your fulfillment.
You can talk about what you want, and how things "should be" all day... but until you form supportive beliefs, and embody the version of you who is receiving your desires... you won't see results you want. And I've seen this happen many, many times.
I've seen women cut their toxic lovers off because they're ready to end an unwanted relationship cycle. They say they're done with the bullshit... and then they end up "involuntarily" celibate; feeling isolated and alone. Why?
They do the "right thing" by cutting off the toxic lover, but they don't cut off their toxic mindset. They end the relationship... and then talk about how there are no good men in their city. They entertain the idea that they might be alone forever because they aren't finding any good matches. They complain about the men that do approach them. They don't expect Mr. Right to show up. They don't believe that Mr. Right exists. They take the physical action to end their unwanted relationship cycle, but they don't develop the receiver's mindset.
The receiver spends her time differently. The receiver argues FOR her desire. The receiver can go on and on about why her soulmate is her destiny, and is on the way to her, now. The receiver is a proclaimed lover girl who is all in. Think, Charlotte York from Sex & The City. The receiver sticks to her values, and she doesn't budge... no matter what might be showing up in her world. The receiver knows how to maintain hope. She expects to get what she wants. In this way, her tunnel vision makes her a vibrational match to her desires. And they show up.
I've experienced it, too. In my own business, I've suffered from a neglectful mindset. I've raised my rates, and then been left high and dry because clients and customers stopped coming. I took physical action to ask for more money, but the sales didn't come through. Why?
I spend my time afraid that customers wouldn't be willing to pay higher rates. Was I good enough to get paid that much? Could my audience afford this? Did the people of the world actually want this from me? How could I ask for this much more money without offering personal attention? How could I get people to buy from me at these rates? I was full of doubt and fear that I didn't know how to move through. So I stayed stuck. I took my rates back down, and gave up on amazing offers... until I learned how to think like a receiver.
The receiver knows that if she can manifest a $300 sale then she can manifest a $3,000 sale because the mindset work required for each is the same. The receiver knows that she can have what she desires. She approaches her goals with an inner knowing and positive expectation. She expects her success. She visualizes her success. She speaks and thinks and feels as if her success is already hers. And from that place, she manifests. She calls in the sales that she wants.
The bottom line is this: You're going to receive what you believe is available to you.
The receiver believes that what she wants is available to her. It's her mindset. It's her way of thinking and seeing and feeling that supports her in getting what she wants.
It's not that she automatically feels worthy of her every goal... or that she easily receives her every desire. It's that she knows how to get her thoughts, feelings, and perception to align with, and support, her every want and need.
She knows that it’s important for her to get what she need for her safety, and fulfillment. She knows that the rest of the world benefits when she advocates for her own wellbeing. She's empowered around what she receives... because she's empowered around what she thinks. She uses her mind deliberately. She seeks out ways to argue that what she wants was made for her, and is seeking her out.
This course is for the woman who is ready to receive on demand, even though that wasn't happening during her childhood experience.
Maybe your parents didn’t have enough love or affection to give you; and they didn't have enough emotional maturity to take care of you the way you deserved. Maybe you're like me, and there weren't many hugs, kisses, and words of affirmation going around your childhood home.
Maybe your parents didn't have the money to give you the lifestyle you wanted. So you couldn't wear the same clothes as the other kids. Or drive your dream car when you turned 16. Maybe you grew up in an environment where there was always a reason why you couldn't, or shouldn't, receive what you wanted.
Your childhood experience communicated to you that there wasn’t enough available to really meet your needs, wants, and desires. And you learned to hold yourself back as a result. You learned to expect only what others told you was possible. You learned to give your power to the opinions, beliefs, standards, and expectations of others. You learned to limit what you asked for, and received.
The receiver's mindset isn't just about physical fulfillment. It's about emotional fulfillment. It's about living a life where you always say yes to your desires. It's about living a life where you confidently expect to receive because you know how to create beliefs and embody vibrations that support your every desire.
The Receiver's Mindset Course is about having the mental, emotional, and spiritual tools needed to thrive. Some people develop these tools in their childhood. Other people, like myself, don't; and they lead unfulfilling lives as a consequence.
For example, two years ago, I didn't have any bank accounts. Because I didn't have any money. I was two years into this business, and I didn't feel good enough to receive. I didn't believe people would want to pay me. I felt guilty taking money from people; and I was secretly afraid that my customers would resent me if I asked for too much from them. How could I feel good about making more money, when I'd never experienced that before?
Around that time, I didn't ask for what I needed in my romantic relationships, either... In fact, I told the men in my life that it was okay for them not to show up for me. I was the super understanding girl who had emotional needs but didn't want to seem clingy or needy or unlovable... In other words, I was showing up in relationships already sure that I'd be neglected. I wasn't even willing to expect a man to show up for me. When guys that I was interested in didn't respond within a few hours, I felt rejected and like my lonely fate had just been confirmed all over again. How could I be certain that I could have the love of my desire, getting my needs met in a relationship, when I'd never experienced that before?
Getting my every want and need met had never been a priority for anyone, include myself, before. I'd been abused and gaslit and torn down and everything else in between. And nothing in my world looked like that was going to change.
After years of neglect in every aspect of my life, I committed to creating a change. And as I worked on my mindset, processing childhood wounds and relationship trauma... I learned how to think differently. I learned how to think like a receiver.
I started to see that what I received wasn't being determined by destiny... it was showing up by default.
I wasn't made to be neglected. I wasn't made to pine after men who weren't giving me what I wanted while I hoped that they might change one day. I wasn't made to beg my audience to pay for my offers so that I could pay my bills. I wasn't made to do work that I didn't want to do just because it was the only thing I'd ever been paid for.
Those unwanted experiences weren't coming into my life because it had been predetermined that I would come down to earth and suffer. They were coming into my life because of the stories I was telling myself. More specifically, the stories I was telling myself as a consequence of my upbringing.
Hi, if you're new here!
I'm Nathallie Hughes, a psychic medium supporting women all over the world. Over the past four years, I have mastered the art of identifying, releasing, and rearranging the unsupportive stories we tell that attract unwanted experiences into our lives. I've coached many women into new jobs, business ventures, homes, and meaningful relationships. I've also supported my clients in building more self confidence, clarity, and empowerment in their lives. As someone who coaches on manifestation, mindsets, and life, my job is to teach you how to do this powerful work for yourself. My goal is to help you experience the emotional fulfillment, that you inherently deserve, in every aspect of your life.
As a consequence of my childhood experience, I developed low self worth. I felt that I was an insignificant person, whose needs didn't matter, and who truly didn't belong.
But those stories were my default, not my destiny. I started to understand that if I could create shitty experiences by default... then I could also create amazing experiences on purpose. And the Receiver's Mindset was born.
I realized it was all about the stories I was telling myself about receiving. about what I should receive and why. about who could give to me and why. about the consequences of me receiving and whether or not it was ultimately safe to experience getting what I wanted.
Two years ago, I had lost my bank accounts. Today, I have 4 accounts. plus investments. Money is constantly circulating, coming into my life and supporting me where I need it. I'm attracting more clients and sales, even when I'm *not* actively advertising my offers. I keep raising my prices... and my audience keeps rising up to meet me and pay me what I desire.
And so many of the women paying me more money are people who've been in my audience for years. When I started telling new stories about who I was and what kind of audience I got to have, I gave them an opportunity to show up differently.
These story changes absolutely reflected in my relationship with men as well. When I started telling new stories about who men were and how they wanted to treat me, I started attracting men with integrity. men with the desire to serve and support me in the greatest ways possible.
Men all over the world, including random strangers, will go out of their way for me. To help me with my bags at the airports (in Atlanta, NYC, LA, & Burbank to be specific). To bring me water while I'm out walking throughout my neighborhood. To press the button for me while I'm heading towards the cross walk so it's ready for me by the time I reach the intersection.
More than ever before, I feel seen, loved, and cherished by men. More often than not, when I leave my house, men treat me like a princess. And I expect them to.
There's no more pressure or begging. There's no desperation or worry that I might not get what I want or need. I have completely transformed my relationship with receiving because I now understand that I am in control of what I receive. It's not up to someone else. It's not up to western beauty standards. It's not up to the rules that say I must have a college degree or else.
It's all up to me. the same is true for you.
And it's not all about the physical results I'm getting. It's about my ability to make them happen again and again. I have the same level of confidence when sales are coming in, and when I've upped my rates again and find myself in deeper waters than ever before. Like learning to swim, when you've developed the receiver's mindset, you are able to maneuver through any waters, no matter how unfamiliar.
Having the receiver's mindset means that I spend my time arguing for my desire. When I'm ready to charge more, or attract a different kind of client, I spend my time convincing myself that I get to receive. I express all of the frustrations, fears, doubts, and worries that argue for my suffering. I identify the stories I'm telling that support my limitations instead of my dreams. And I debunk them. again and again. I identify every limiting belief as the lie that it is and then I go to work building out more support beliefs. I use the energetic and mindset tools that I've learned over the years to tell a new story: a story that says, of course I get to receive what I want. Inside of the Receiver's Mindset Course, I'm sharing this process with you.
My goal is for you to understand that you are absolutely, undoubtedly, in charge of what you receive. And I created this program to teach you how to step into your power, and call in what you want, need, and simply desire out of this world... and life.
You can trust that I mean it when I say: You came to earth to enjoy. You came here to relish in being alive. And you do that by receiving.
Receiving happens when you know that you are worthy of what you are seeking, you use your thoughts to argue in favor of what you want, and you are willing to expect it.
When you weren't taught to think like the receiver, these are unnatural, foreign concepts. Self-love and receiving are typically demonized as selfish or unrealistic. Being prioritized is typically reserved for– well, anyone who's not you, isn't it? You question if you can receive what you desire. You doubt that you should. You feel "weird" taking from other people... or like there's just not enough available for you to get more. And a part of you doesn't believe that people who are ready, willing, and eager to give to you even exist. These are the unsupportive experiences you'll learn to shift inside.
The receiving mindset is a skill that can be learned… even after a childhood experience that taught you to argue against your heart's desires.
You came here to receive the pay that you desire. You came here to receive the lovers and the spouses and the princess-treatment that you desire. You came here to receive the support that you desire. You get to decide that you are destined for more than your default.
I believe that your dream life was meant to be yours. And in order to allow it in, all you've got to do is know how to receive it.
That's why I created this course. Inside, you’ll learn how to rewire your brain to understand and believe that it is safe and good for you to receive right here, and right now. You'll learn to think and vibrate in a way that attracts your desires to you. You'll learn how to attract the people (and companies) ready, willing, and eager to give to you. In other words, you'll learn how to receive. again and again. You will develop the receiver's mindset, and become the woman who confidently receives on demand.
The Receiver's Mindset Course is complete with hours and hours of trainings, journal prompts, affirmations, and exercises. There's the basic training; and I've added additional bonuses as my understanding of receiving has continued to expand. This is a mighty, transformational body of work that is timeless. Like all of my other work, the prompts, trainings, and exercises are things you can come back to, and repeat, for life.
You're learning a new way of seeing things, a new way of interacting with the world, and a new way of learning to expect greater. Gone are the days of asking yourself, "How can I expect this when I've never experienced it before?" Gone are the days of settling for less because you don't see how it's possible for you to receive more.
With these tools, your past experiences and beliefs will no longer be the thing holding you back from receiving. Your default expectations, and ways of being in the world, will no longer feel like your destiny.
What People Are Saying About Nathallie Hughes...
"I grew up with a struggle mentality and I told myself narratives that I was destined for struggle, that I was unworthy and not good enough. I subconsciously continued the momentum of these stories by continuing to tell myself them day after day, year after year. As I have watched more of Nathallie’s videos, I become more and more conscious of the ways I have chosen to participate in these stories...
One of the most powerful feelings I have begun normalizing that is a direct result of tapping into Nathallie’s vibration, through her work, is being completely and utterly inspired.
I feel amazing when I am inspired. I am continuously inspired to feel better and enjoy my life, and that is the beautiful new foundation that Nathallie’s work has blessed me with."
Hailee A.
"She’s a life coach… and that’s what she does: she coaches. And it feels like... what does the coach do? the coach gets you ready to go into the game…
It started off like, ‘I don’t know…. maybe I can kind of dribble, I guess…” to… the most recent time we’ve worked together it was more like, ‘ Put me in, coach!’
[She] coaches through the different things that are going on, not only currently, but figuring out where it is that I was holding myself back.”
Jordyn R.
"I’m more aware of what’s going on. In terms of like, my emotions…
If I’m anxious… My mind isn’t… hiding from it. My mind is just like ‘why are you anxious?’ and I’m like ‘huh… that’s a change!’
If I’m having anxiety, I’m like ‘why am I having anxiety?’ ‘oh. Because this, this, and this…’ like… my mind kind of works differently now, and kind of picks up on certain things now where like before I wouldn’t be aware of that. I would just be like ‘oh… just bury it…’
Brianna S.
Here's What's Inside:
1 Pre-Work Program.
3 Main-Modules.
2 Bonus Trainings.
Now, let's get specific. ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Pre-Work: Sorry, Not Settling
In 3 Bonus Trainings, You'll Learn:
🤍 That you are the most important thing in your life. You'll learn how to make taking care of yourself is the #1 priority without guilt.
🤍 How understanding yourself is fundamental to your life experience as the satiated woman.
🤍 That your desire is who you are; not just something you want.
🤍 What exactly a standard of living is, and how that impacts your quality of life for better or worse.
🤍 How to use your dissatisfaction to identify your current standard and to receive guidance on the next-best standard of living for you.
🤍 How to set a higher standard using your thoughts, energy, and behaviors in order to attract better sh*t into your life.
🤍 How to identify and confidently walk away from everything that's incompatible with your new, higher standard of living.
🤍 What it means to normalize your satisfaction so that continuously receiving your desires happens easily, feels natural, and is... obvious.
🤍 How to deliberately shift your environment in order to normalize your higher standard of life.
Module 1: The Receiver’s Mindset 101
Across 12 Video, Audio, & Text Trainings, You'll Learn:
❤️🔥 How to assess your childhood and life experiences to understand EXACTLY why parts of you feel restricted and unsafe receiving what you want.
❤️🔥 How to identify and shift the limiting beliefs rooted in shame, guilt, and unworthiness that are holding you back from all that you desire. Say goodbye to self sabotage. 👋🏾
❤️🔥 My process for building out your self worth [based on the universal truth that it is good and right and fair for you to receive all that you desire].
❤️🔥 How I define and use my understanding of value to receive fair compensation for my time, energy, and efforts (in relationships, career, and anything else). Say hello to your dream salary. 👋🏾
❤️🔥 How to unapologetically trust your desires so that you may receive, regardless of what rules and standards the outside world has projected onto you.
❤️🔥 How to move through your fear, and to create an internal sense of safety and security; so that you can stay open to receiving, even when you feel uncertain or doubtful.
❤️🔥 My 7 step, repeatable process for receiving NOW. This process consolidates the teachings of the entire course, making it easy to practice shifting your energy, develop supportive beliefs, and magnetize your desires to you from moment to moment.
❤️🔥 How to believe in, and practice, your inherent worthiness and good enough-ness; so you can stop asking yourself, "What do I need to fix or become in order to succeed or receive?"
Module 2: Finding Your People
Across 3 Audio & Text Trainings,
You'll Learn:
❤️🔥 How to create a life where you feel safe to be yourself; and you’re surrounded by people that like who you authentically are.
❤️🔥 How to attract and surround yourself with people who eagerly prioritize seeing, connecting [or working] with, and taking care of you.
❤️🔥 How to believe that you naturally belong within the group of people who have what you desire. You were made for your every desire. Buh-bye imposter
syndrome. 👋🏾
❤️🔥 My empowering forgiveness process: an exercise to clear stagnant energy, make space to receive, and establish new expectations around the relationships you’re choosing to create.
Module 3: Speeding It Up
Across 5 Audio & Text Trainings,
You'll Learn:
❤️🔥 How to see, believe in, and embody the version of you who knows that it’s important for them to receive quickly and easily.
❤️🔥 How to get into the state of having received quickly. This practice collapses time, and powerfully 🧲 magnetizes 🧲 your desires to you.
❤️🔥 How to tap into the version of you who is ready for what you desire, now. No more arguing for your limitations. 👋🏾
Bonuses: Extra Trainings & Exercises
In 2 Bonus Trainings, You'll Learn:
❤️🔥 How to step into your power, meet your own needs, and stop trying to convince other people to affirm that you should receive what you desire. They don’t decide what you get to have!
❤️🔥 How to overcome the story of powerlessness that makes you think, “nothing I do is working” and “I can’t find anyone to meet this need.”
❤️🔥 To understand and utilize the power of your imagination in your manifestation process.
❤️🔥 How to process painful emotions and limiting beliefs that will come up as you allow yourself to receive more than ever before.
❤️🔥 How to perceive your physical reality in a way that helps you allow it to change; instead of fighting against unwanted circumstances.
❤️🔥 How I do breathwork to release the pain and experiences of the past on a mind, body, and soul level. Trust me, this powerful somatic practice will take your mindset game to the next level.
❤️🔥 How to process painful emotions and limiting beliefs that will come up as you allow yourself to receive more than ever before.
Upon enrollment, you'll get immediate access to all of the course contents! When you purchase, you'll be taken to the course page where you can become a member of our site, if you aren't already; and then you'll be able to access your course. You'll also get an email with more information to help get you set up!
Next Enrollment:
May 2025
I absolutely believe in and stand by everything that I have shared inside of this course. At the same time, in order to protect myself, I must say that I cannot guarantee that will receive any specific results from this work. You must take responsibility for your own well-being if you choose to enroll and act in alignment. With that being said, I must reiterate that I really, really believe in this work and the power of your willingness to show up and see things differently. Upon enrollment, you will receive immediate access to the entire course and it's contents, therefore we do not offer refunds of any kind.