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"I Can & I Should" 

The self-esteem-boosting course made to help the committed woman accomplish, achieve, and manifest her goals with more ease, speed, and enjoyment than ever before.

Your self esteem is defined by what you believe you are capable of.


When you have high self esteem, you are sure of yourself. You know that you can get what you want. You assume that things are working out in your favor; and you know that you have the power to influence situations and circumstances for your benefit. 

On the other hand, when you don't believe in your ability to achieve your dreams, you give your power away: you believe the lie that you aren't well-known or well-liked enough to succeed.


When you don't believe in your ability to create positive change, you block yourself off from the abundance that is already available to you: you believe the lie that you shouldn't ask for more money, yet.


And when you don't believe in your ability to impact your life in a real and meaningful way, you play small: you don't confidently move towards your savings goals because you believe the lie that says, "the money I want probably won't show up for me, anyway."

When you have low self esteem, you have trouble reaching  your goals because you have trouble believing in yourself. When you don't believe in yourself, it is impossible to believe that your life is changing; or that the manifestation techniques you're implementing are even working in the first place. 


When you have low self esteem, you think:

  • "I can't do it."

  • "Nothing is working."

  • "I'm not good enough."

  • "What if it doesn't work out?"

  • "What if I don't make it?" 


There is uncertainty in every area of your life. You doubt that you'll get what you want. You worry that things might not go your way. You fear that you'll be left in some sort of danger (even socially) with no way of saving or protecting yourself. 


According to the Universal (always working, no matter what) Law of Attraction, you attract what you are a vibrational match for. You call in whatever energy you are spending a majority of your time in. This means: when you spend your time being worried and uncertain... you call in more worry and uncertainty.


For example, when you're worried about whether or not people will like and accept you, you manifest social experiences where you're left feeling rejected or judged. Living in social worry attracts experiences that further perpetuate and amplify that worry. This is what gurus and mentors mean when they say, "like attracts like"


This energetic law is also why, when you're doubting whether or not people will be able to pay you in your business, you manifest potential clients and customers who can't afford to pay you. Your doubt, which likely stems from the belief that people can't support you, is attracting experiences that perpetuate and amplify the doubt around your pricing. Like attracts like


That just makes sense, right? 


As the leader of your mind, career, relationships, and life... your job is to break the cycle of unsupportive thoughts (about what you can do) attracting negative experiences into your reality. And here's the thing: there is no one-time fix for this. Your job is to shift from worry and uncertainty to confidence and self-assuredness again and again. Every time you set a new goal, your job is to get yourself to a place where you believe in your own ability to call in what you want. Your job is to become the woman who believes that she can achieve, accomplish, and manifest her heart's desires... no matter how outlandish or unlikely her dreams may seem to others. 


It's my job to help you break that cycle of self-doubt and playing small. And I've done the hardest part of it for you: I've figured out how to change your mind. I've figured out how to help you become that unstoppable woman who believes and achieves. And I've taken what I've learned and packaged it up neatly in this life-changing program.


Welcome to the "I Can & I Should" Course: the self-esteem boosting program made to help you transform your mind, and create positive outcomes in every area of your life. 

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Meet Your Instructor
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Nathallie Hughes is a psychic medium supporting women all over the world. Over the past five years in business, she has mastered the art of identifying, releasing, and rearranging the unsupportive stories we tell that attract unwanted experiences into our lives.


She's coached many women into new jobs, business ventures, homes, and meaningful relationships. She's also supported her clients in building more self confidence, clarity, and empowerment in their lives.


As someone who coaches on manifestation, mindsets, and life, her job is to teach you how to do this powerful work for yourself. Her mission is to help you experience the emotional fulfillment, that you inherently deserve, in every aspect of your life. 


There’s somebody out there who’s more successful than you. And, they have their own way of reaching their goals and maintaining that success. And even though you look up to them,  their way of being and behaving and timing just… doesn’t work for you. 


And when their timeline, lifestyle, and behaviors don't align with who you want to be… you might mistakenly believe that their level of success isn't available to you. 


You might mistakenly believe that you need to look like them in order to succeed. You might mistakenly expect that you need to talk and sound like them in order to be accepted. You might fall under the false impression that you need to have the same amount or kind of experience as them in order to be respected and well paid. 


And when you believe the lies that you are not made, or ready, for your desired success and achievement… you close yourself off from the success that’s waiting for you. 


Here's what I know for sure: what works for them doesn’t work for you. You don’t want to wait five years to reach your desired position on the corporate ladder. You don’t want to outline the landing pages on your website with the same graphics or storytelling as the top-dogs in the industry. You don’t want to wait for someone outside of you to tell you that you finally get to make the money that you want to make.


And let me tell you what I know for certain:

When you want to go higher, faster… 

When you want to make more, sooner

When you want to experience better, before they say that you should… 

You need self esteem. You need to know how to get your mind, your energy, and your beliefs in alignment with higher, more, and better... faster, sooner, and before they say you should. Because there is no pre-charted path for the journey you’re choosing to take on. When you’re trailblazing, you’ve got to learn how to do it without external permission. You’ve got to learn how to give yourself the permission to accomplish, achieve, and manifest your dreams now.


This course is about living a life on your own terms, where you’re deciding what works for you and who you get to be. You’re deciding that you get to have the success, the money, the home, and the family sooner… rather than later.


Life on your own terms, on your own timing, takes self esteem. It takes a belief in your own ability to create positive change in your reality.


Inside of this empowering program, I’m teaching you how to become the woman who gets what she wants. And to do that, I’m teaching you how to become the woman who believes in herself. I’m teaching you how to become the woman who achieves with more ease, speed, and enjoyment than ever before.


And the beautiful thing about this program is that you get to tailor the content to you. This is not a “one size fits all” program; rather, this is a program where you are learning the key principles that it takes to reprorgam your mind and shift your identity to that which you desire.


This is a program where you are learning how to become the version of you who is making her next level of income… and later you can take the same principles shared and apply the concepts and exercises to the version of you who is making the next level of income after that one. This is about becoming the woman who sees what she wants and goes afer it without delay, and actualizes that dream. This is about becoming the woman who beleives in herself so that, regardless of what you decide that you desire, you can move forward with the confidence that it can and should be yours. 


After implementing the teachings inside, you'll be thinking things like:

  • "I'm sure of myself."

  • "I'm confident in my ability to manifest my desired result."

  • "I expect myself to make it."

  • "I know that I will do well. I always do well." 


This course directly improves your quality of life, so that you can enjoy the journey while being sure of the end destination. What if reaching your goal was your right next step? What if it was the just the normal, obvious right next step for you? If you were made to achieve what you wanted? If you knew that, no matter what, it would be yours? 

That's what this course was made to help you experience. This course is about improving your quality of life through healing your self esteem so that you can reach your goals while feeling good about yourself and your personal power. 


And of course, going from "I can't do that" to "I'm confident in my ability to manifest my desired result" isn't something that's going to feel true or comfortable, at first. This is why the transition period is the most important. Inside of the course, the mindset shifts and tools you learn will help you to navigate the middle ground. This way, you can start saying "I expect myself to make it" while actually believing what you're saying. 


And when you're thinking those different thoughts and believing differently, you're creating a different reality. Inside, we'll get into the nuances and crannies of this work. You'll leave the exercises and trainings feeling competent, clearer, and more confident within yourself and your power as the co-creator of this reality. 

What People Are Saying About Nathallie Hughes...

"I grew up with a struggle mentality and I told myself narratives that I was destined for struggle, that I was unworthy and not good enough. I subconsciously continued the momentum of these stories by continuing to tell myself them day after day, year after year. As I have watched more of Nathallie’s videos,  I become more and more conscious of the ways I have chosen to participate in these stories... 


One of the most powerful feelings I have begun normalizing that is a direct result of tapping into Nathallie’s vibration, through her work, is being completely and utterly inspired.


I feel amazing when I am inspired. I am continuously inspired to feel better and enjoy my life, and that is the beautiful new foundation that Nathallie’s work has blessed me with."

Hailee A.


"She’s a life coach… and that’s what she does: she coaches. And it feels like... what does the coach do? the coach gets you ready to go into the game…


It started off like, ‘I don’t know…. maybe I can kind of dribble, I guess…” to… the most recent time we’ve worked together it was more like, ‘ Put me in, coach!’ 


[She] coaches through the different things that are going on, not only currently, but figuring out where it is that I was holding myself back.”

Jordyn R.


"This is an investment in your growth and healing. It surely has been for me. 


Nathallie has willingly stepped into a life of purpose by letting her own light shine.


She is a healer that speaks and walks in abundance and this is exactly what my sessions with her have led me to. Nathallie will guide you into a new perspective towards the blockages in your life that need healing. 

She is a powerful, direct, nurturing and compassionate healer." 

Fiorella V.

Here's What's Inside:
Module 1: How Low Self Esteem Starts
In The Training, You'll Learn:

☀️ The root causes of the thinking patterns that perpetuate low self esteem in our lives.

☀️ How unsupportive ways of thinking inhibit our ability to actually gain new skills in a healthy way, or at all.

☀️ How low self esteem is actually a maladaptive coping mechanism that protects you from the shame and embarrassment that comes with failure.

☀️ How to develop a new relationship with failure: freeing yourself from the fear of making mistakes or messing up your chances of reaching your goals.

Module 2: How Low Self Esteem Shows Up
Across 3 Audio & Text Trainings,
You'll Learn:

☀️ How to easily identify your current thoughts and behavior patterns that are rooted in low self esteem. This makes it easier than ever before to become aware of exactly which beliefs are currently sabotaging your success.

☀️ Each of the four sympathetic nervous system responses. You’ll get examples of what each response looks like when they are triggered (so you have the ability to identify the ways your fears are impacting your ambitious process).

☀️ My four step process for moving through your fear responses, helping your mind and body to see that it is safe to succeed and achieve.

☀️ My process for breathwork which I use to release the pain of the past, my fears of failure, and my unsupportive self concepts on a cellular level. Training is complete with several examples: some with music and some without.


Module 3: Self Esteem Impacts Manifestation
In This Video Training,
You'll Learn:

☀️ How low self esteem makes manifestation difficult, creating unnecessary struggle in your life. Your thoughts like “I can’t do it”, and “Nobody wants what I have to offer” are negatively impacting outcomes in your manifestation process.

☀️ What it means to be a “vibrational match” to your desires, and how low self esteem knocks you out of alignment.

Module 4: Shifting Your Self Esteem
Across 2 Video Trainings,
You'll Learn:

☀️ My process for shifting your self esteem with self love, acceptance, and compassion. As you implement this practice, you will develop a better understanding of self while simultaneously being able to release beliefs that no longer serve you. No more berating yourself in order to produce a specific result. This practice makes your journey to achievement full of self love and respect.

☀️ How to release the fear and assumption that you will be rejected, ashamed, or embarrassed in any way as you move towards your goal. You will use this training to create an internal feeling state of unconditional acceptance, connection, and compassion so that you feel safe to exist, with your imperfections, while achieving your goals.

☀️ How to get into the energetic state and belief in your own enoughness so that you can achieve your goals without exhaustion or overexertion.

☀️ How to shift your expectations so that you can confidently anticipate positive outcomes.

☀️ Uncover and shift the fears you have around the negative consequences of achieving your goals.

☀️ To understand that powerlessness is a state of being that you just don’t have any availability for. Powerlessness is an idea, not a fact about who you are or what you can achieve.

☀️ My 7 step process for shifting out of powerlessness so that you can powerfully embody the truth that you are capable of impacting your life for the better.


Module 5: The Confident You
Across 7 Video & Text Trainings,
You'll Learn:

☀️ How to easily connect with the version of you that is already confident in your ability to achieve your goals and dreams so that you can think, feel, and act as them.

☀️To understand and utilize self concept shifting principles in your mindset practice. You’ll learn the four pillars that make up your self concept; and you will learn how to shift your self perception with each pillar.

☀️How to identify and release the current self concept you’re living out. This is where you release the unsupportive identity of the woman who doubts herself, the lonely woman, or the woman who fails.

☀️How to identify and affirm the self concept you’re choosing to embody moving forward. This makes it significantly easier to manifest your desired outcome in any situation).

☀️How to become more sure than ever before that you should be reaching every one of your goals.

☀️How to use your thoughts, focus, and attention to become exclusively available for the manifestation of your goals.


Module 6: Brain Rewiring Breakdown
Across 2 Audio & Text Trainings,
You'll Learn:

☀️ How rewiring your brain through this healing mindset work… actually works. When you consistently do this work of rewiring your brain to believe-in-self, your brain starts doing that work for you. Soon after, having a healthy sense of self esteem is your natural, normal way of being.

☀️ How to create a simple morning routine that supports you in rewiring your brain to achieve success and identity with the version of the successful you.


Upon enrollment, you'll get immediate access to all course contents. You'll be taken to the course-hub where you can become a member of our site, if you aren't already. Then, you'll be able to access your course. You'll also get an email with more information to help get you set up!


I am so excited to help you respect and trust yourself more than ever before with this course. You deserve to be confident in your ability to call in what you desire. You deserve to trust yourself and the action that you take. You deserve to know that it's enough. That you're enough.  And here's the thing: not only can you receive what you desire... but you should be receiving what you desire. 

Your goal was put on your heart for a reason. It's part of what you came here to experience in this lifetime. Your dream is your birthright, and the only person left to convince about this is you.


One Time Payment: $800 

Payment Plan: 6 Bi-Weekly Payments of $150

I absolutely believe in and stand by everything that I have shared inside of this course. At the same time, in order to protect myself, I must say that I cannot guarantee that will receive any specific results from this work. You must take responsibility for your own well-being if you choose to enroll and act in alignment. With that being said, I must reiterate that I really, really believe in this work and the power of your willingness to show up and see things differently. When you join, you'll get immediate access to all content. Because of this, we do not offer refunds of any kind.

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