You’re ready to be ready for the guy. The ultimate guy. Your guy. The guy that God created for you, in your life. Your soulmate. Okay, you get me.
You’re ready for the love of your life… and there are just a few things in your way. For instance, you've got the belief that men are emotionally avoidant, and therefore they won’t put in the work to actually maintain a relationship with you. Or the belief you have that men aren’t ever loyal to one woman, which makes you mistrust them. And you've got that fear that men will abandon you, which makes it hard to let them in (or to see them clearly) because you’re too busy criticizing them to let them love you.
The point is this: you’re ready to be ready for the guy. But you’ve got some past hurts (from your childhood and previous life experience) that are really getting in the way of your ability to allow that love in.
I believe that God created a man for you. I believe that your soulmate is out there. I believe that he wants to come into your life. I believe that he wants to show up for you, and to support you, and to love and cherish you. I believe that you’re worthy of him. And I believe that you are the only person that can let him in.
I don’t think that he’s being pushed away because he’s not ready, yet. I don’t believe that he’s not capable of taking care of you or supporting you, yet. I don’t believe that God is holding him away from you until you learn enough lessons.
I believe that he’s there. he’s available. he’s open. and you get to have him.
And I also believe that you’ve been allowing your doubts, worries, and fears to get in the way. Because when you subconsciously expect to be abandoned, you self sabotage by misinterpreting the things men do or say. Because you expected men to leave you, and to have no interest in loving you, you attracted those men into your life. Up until now, you have been available for abandonment. And I'm not judging you, I've been there, too.
And when you subconsciously don’t trust men, you self sabotage by coming up with a million things in your personal life that need to be tended to before you’ll be ready to receive him. You don't feel ready because of what's going on in your career or your finances or your physical body. But that's not the real issue; and until you address what's really been going on, you'll keep finding problem after problem to "fix" before you're willing to let him in.
And when you subconsciously don’t feel worthy of him, you tell the story that the man of your desire doesn’t exist in your city, or demographic... or even at all. You've heard women preach and complain about men being emotionally avoidant and incapable of kindness and softness, and you've believed them. You've heard (and experienced) horror stories about the way men in your city have behaved... and you've used that as an excuse to push love away. You tell yourself that you can only find an eligible bachelor in a far away land... but that's not the truth. The truth is that amazing men are available everywhere, but you don't believe that they exist for you. As the co-creator of your reality, you won't ever experience what you don't believe is available to you. This is why you've got to let those old, untrue stories go.
You are ready to be ready to be ready. And the love is ready to come in for you. All you’ve got to do now is learn how to get out of your own way. And that is why I created the Love After Loss course. This is your guide to processing the pain of the past, opening up to love again; and allowing in your soulmate.
You want to be confident that your soulmate exists, and that he can and will
love you in the way that you want to be loved.
You want the man who will give you emotional intimacy. The man who will share his personal, vulnerable truth with you; and who will hold space for you while you share yours. You want a relationship where you are seen, and your emotional wellbeing is taken into consideration.
You want to know that you can experience another love that is just as deep and passionate and spiritual as the love that you once lost. You want a love that is deeper. and safer. and with a lover that is faithful.
You want a romance where your partner communicates what they feel and what they need. You want a man who takes initiative and makes it known that he intends to make you his wife. You never want to be left wondering where stand with a man, ever again. You want to know that he wants harmony, intimacy, and genuine connection in the relationship between you two, more than anything else. You want to be sure about him. You want to feel safe to trust him.
The good news is this: when you clear out the pain of that old heartbreak, and you build out supportive beliefs about who men are, and the kind of love they are ready to give you... then the man who was always meant to be yours is given the opportunity to show up.
Some of that pain began when you were 14 years old, and your crush stopped replying to your messages, even though you thought things were going well. And other parts come from the story you started telling yourself when you were 3 when your dad stopped coming around: that the people who you want to love you, can't love you.
As a consequence of your lived experience, you've been telling yourself unsupportive stories about how you are treated in the world. You've been telling yourself the story that the love you desire just... isn't available to you.
You’ve grown to expect mistreatment and heartbreak. And that’s why you’ve been going around and around in this cycle of dysfunction and confusion in your relationships.
Your energy is attracting the men who aren't ready to show up for you. Your mind is primed to focus on all of the ways you aren't being supported in love. You spend your time focussing on how he isn't ready, or what he isn't doing, or what kinds of guys you aren't finding in your neighborhood.
Here's what I know for sure: The guy wants to show up for you. The love wants to come into your life. You were created for the romance of a lifetime. You were born to inspire your children, your friends, your community, and the world with the soulmate who was assigned to be yours.
Hi, if you're new here!
I'm Nathallie Hughes, a psychic medium supporting women all over the world. Over the past five years in business, I have mastered the art of identifying, releasing, and rearranging the unsupportive stories we tell that attract unwanted experiences into our lives. I've coached many women into new jobs, business ventures, homes, and meaningful relationships. I've also supported my clients in building more self confidence, clarity, and empowerment in their lives. As someone who coaches on manifestation, mindsets, and life, my job is to teach you how to do this powerful work for yourself. My goal is to help you experience the emotional fulfillment, that you inherently deserve, in every aspect of your life.
The truth is that the love of your life is available to you. But right now, you’re closed off... and even a little bit jaded.
Secretly, you’re scared. You're scared that the physically, financially, and spiritually desirable man of your dreams won't want you. And hell, we all are. Anyone would be scared after being used and betrayed and neglected and ghosted and rejected...
Anyone would be scared to open up again.
But when you stay closed off, letting those subconscious fears run your life, you keep the “bad” people out… and the “good” people stay out with them. And then, you’re isolated. Safe from betrayal. But not safe from the pain of loneliness.
And you understand the loneliness of not being able to share your victories with someone who has seen you go through the entire journey of healing and growing and expanding that ultimately led to your massive breakthrough.
You're familiar with the loneliness of not being able to be held after a bad day. Your troubles don't last always, but life is so much better with someone there to witness you and hold space for you while you move through the trials and tribulations.
Your soulmate is available. Right here, and right now. And the only thing keeping them away from you is your belief that they don’t exist… or that they won’t want you… or that your flaws might be a dealbreaker... But that’s all bullshit. It’s bullshit that can be set straight and released and shifted.
The bottom line is this: You’ve got to get out of your own way, and let love in.
And together you can be Bonnie & Clyde (the ’03 version… the Jay Z to your Beyonce… the only thing you need in this life of sin). Or cat woman and batman. Or peanut butter and jelly. Or fish and chips– Okay. You get it.
To be honest, I ran out of iconic human duos that I’d genuinely want to be a part of at the end, there…
The point is that you were made for the greatest love story that this time-space reality has to offer.
Regardless of which iconic duo you choose to form… you’ve got to have the space and belief in your person in order to form it. Before you can align with your soulmate, and find harmony in that relationship, you’ve got some clearing and defining to do.
That’s where this course comes in. The Love After Loss Course is your blueprint to processing the pain of the past, opening up to love after heartbreak; and manifesting your soulmate.
Inside, you’ll clear the pain of the past by learning how to process the painful experiences without feeling bad about yourself. You'll stop creating harmful assumptions about how relationships on work for you, and you'll learn to build out a new belief system that works in your favor. Then, you’ll get clear on the relationship you want to experience— and I’ve got some great exercises to help you call them in.
It’s time to stop letting the pain of the past hold you back from experiencing the joy that comes from intimacy, closeness, and camaraderie with the soul who incarnated on earth to love you.
What People Are Saying About Nathallie Hughes...
"I grew up with a struggle mentality and I told myself narratives that I was destined for struggle, that I was unworthy and not good enough. I subconsciously continued the momentum of these stories by continuing to tell myself them day after day, year after year. As I have watched more of Nathallie’s videos, I become more and more conscious of the ways I have chosen to participate in these stories...
One of the most powerful feelings I have begun normalizing that is a direct result of tapping into Nathallie’s vibration, through her work, is being completely and utterly inspired.
I feel amazing when I am inspired. I am continuously inspired to feel better and enjoy my life, and that is the beautiful new foundation that Nathallie’s work has blessed me with."
Hailee A.
"She’s a life coach… and that’s what she does: she coaches. And it feels like... what does the coach do? the coach gets you ready to go into the game…
It started off like, ‘I don’t know…. maybe I can kind of dribble, I guess…” to… the most recent time we’ve worked together it was more like, ‘ Put me in, coach!’
[She] coaches through the different things that are going on, not only currently, but figuring out where it is that I was holding myself back.”
Jordyn R.
"I’m more aware of what’s going on. In terms of like, my emotions…
If I’m anxious… My mind isn’t… hiding from it. My mind is just like ‘why are you anxious?’ and I’m like ‘huh… that’s a change!’
If I’m having anxiety, I’m like ‘why am I having anxiety?’ ‘oh. Because this, this, and this…’ like… my mind kind of works differently now, and kind of picks up on certain things now where like before I wouldn’t be aware of that. I would just be like ‘oh… just bury it…’
Brianna S.
Here's What's Inside:
Module 1:
Processing The Pain
In The Video Training &
Journal Prompts, You'll Will:
💕 Purge the negative emotions from your previous romantic experiences so that you can clear space, and actually move on.
💕 Learn how to hold space for yourself while you go through your healing process. No more rushing or invalidating what you’re going through. 👋🏾
💕 Learn how to identify the unsupportive stories you’ve started telling yourself about who you are, and what you get to have in relationships.
💕 Identify the root causes of drama, stress, and pain in your previous relationship(s) to get clarity on your identity in relationships, and your former partner’s role in your life.
💕 Identify your current expectations in romance, so you understand exactly what unhelpful beliefs have contributed to the dynamics you’ve attracted.
Module 2: Healing The Inner Child
Across 5 Video And Audio Trainings, Plus Journal Prompts,
You'll Will:
🤍 Learn how your childhood experiences influenced what you attracted, expected, and accepted in your previous relationship(s).
🤍 Learn how to soothe your inner child in order to bring healing to the parts of you that are still hurting.
🤍 Learn how to shift the stories you started telling, as a child, about who you were and what you got to have in relationships.
🤍 Address, heal, and shift the father wound(s) that taught you it was unsafe to trust, depend on, or be loved by a man.
🤍 Address, heal, and shift the father wound(s) that taught you to believe that men don’t want to take care of you, or meet your emotional, physical, financial, or spiritual needs.
🤍 Learn and practice how I do breathwork to release the pain of the past on a cellular level. This is my favorite tool.
Module 3: Healing The Past Self
In The Video Training
And Journal Prompts,
You Will:
💕 Learn how to directly address the versions of you that felt neglected in your previous relationship.
💕 Learn how to create an internal narrative that says your needs get to be met moving forward. This sets the stage for positive expectations to be created and new, better feeling love to be allowed in.
💕 Process any left over anger, resentment, and fear towards your past partner’s and caregivers.
💕 Identify and heal the parts of you that (secretly) don’t want to let the past people and experiences go. This is where you begin to shift your abandonment wounds.
💕 Learn how to accept the complexity of your feelings for your previous partner. You’ll learn how to move forward, mourn, and accept the new role they have in your life as someone you used to love and want to be with.
Module 4:
Cord Cutting
In The Video Training &
Meditation Exercise,
You'll Will:
🤍 Release the energetic cords connecting you to your past partner.
🤍 Recall your energy and release theirs from your mind, body, and soul.
🤍 Expedite your healing as you energetically open up to moving past the hurts you experienced, and to moving towards healing and recovery as you come back to your whole, complete self.
🤍 Release that experience to the past, and develop a new perspective on forgiveness as you understand that it is safe for you to release that pain, now.
Module 5: Expanding Into The Vibe To Call In The Love
Across The Video & Audio Trainings, Journal Prompts, & Workbook,
You Will:
💕 Understand the difference between harping on the negative stories, and processing the negative stories. You can always take your time to process, but harping on the pain is not the vibe.
💕 Learn how to call in your soulmate, even while you’re still moving through the pain of the past, without resisting your pain or forcing and pushing yourself to “get over it”.
💕 Learn how to use your likes and dislikes from previous relationships to get the ultimate clarity on what you want in romance.
💕 Identify and shift your limiting beliefs, doubts, and fears around having your soulmate in your life.
💕 Get clear on who your soulmate is, what kind of love you get to have, and what it feels like to be together as you magnetize the relationship of your dreams into your life.
💕 Create certainty in your love life as you tap into the vibe of an unbreakable bond with a soulmate who is committed to loving you. Tie this connection to your purpose and destiny on Earth. Your soulmate is not just your wish, he is your destiny. your inevitable destiny.
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One Time Payment: $1,700
Payment Plan: 12 Bi-Weekly Payments of $150
I absolutely believe in and stand by everything that I have shared inside of this course. At the same time, in order to protect myself, I must say that I cannot guarantee that will receive any specific results from this work. You must take responsibility for your own well-being if you choose to enroll and act in alignment. With that being said, I must reiterate that I really, really believe in this work and the power of your willingness to show up and see things differently.
Upon enrollment, you'll get instant access to all contents. Because of this, we do not offer refunds.