Did you know that you can call in inspiration?
Most of us feel like inspiration is just something that has to strike us. It can feel random... or even inconvenient sometimes...
And for those of us who are creatives for a living... or who work for ourselves.... not doing anything because the creative strike hasn't "hit" yet just doesn't cut it.
So what do we do?
We manifest inspiration. We deliberately tap into the creative flow.
In today's post, I am sharing the 5 steps I take to deliberately tap into the creative flow.
#1 Ask For Guidance
The first step that I do is ask for help and support from up above. The Universe. Or God. Or my inner being. Sometimes I call on my ancestors when I'm wanting to create something that I know they were gifted at doing as well. Regardless of who you call on, just call on somebody. And it can be very simple.
I simply think, "God, I want to get a podcast episode, blog post, pin, and email out today. I want it to be easy, and I want it to just flow out of me."
That's it.
The key here is your willingness. When you're willing to see things differently, you will receive messages and shifts and inspirations. When you're willing to believe that things can be easier and flow-ier, then you are shown ways to make things easier and flow-ier.
The more you practice opening up to guidance, the easier it is to receive, and the more obvious and clear your answers become.
Sometimes it's an idea to things in a different way. Or an idea to do something new entirely. Or a new way of seeing things. Whatever you need will come to you.
It will be perfect. Cause nobody knows you like God (or your spirit team) does, you know?
So I'd declare what you want to receive before doing anything else.
#2 Set An Intention
This one is quite easy, actually. The next thing I do is set the intention to get my work done. Now, it's not about what I do for this step. It's about how I do it.
I set the intention to get a piece of work done by a specific date or time. Maybe I want a podcast episode to go out by midnight on a Monday, or I want to finish up a mini-course I'm creating within a couple of hours.
I set the intention to get it done. I make a mental note of what I want to get done, and when I want it done by. And then... I let it go.
I don't put pressure on myself to do it. I don't tell myself that if I don't do it, then I can't be successful. I don't tell myself that if I don't do it, then I'm not good enough. I don't make the task about more than what it is.
I just want to create this podcast episode, updating the stream regularly so that my growing audience knows they can depend on me. I want people looking forward to hearing from me every Monday and Thursday. If I don't post on a Monday or Thursday, then my people might not stay ready, willing, and eager to tune in. I want them to know when to expect me. I want them to know that, more often than not, I will show up for them and deliver what I've promised.
Bonus Tip: I don't promise things that I don't genuinely wawawawant to do. That makes keeping my promises much easier.
So, once I'm clear on what I want to do, I let it go. If I don't feel like doing it right then and there, I go do something else. I know that the task will be completed. I know that inspiration will strike. So I let it go.
#3 Get Comfortable/In The Zone
At some point, I decide to start focussing my energy towards the task(s) at hand. In order to get prepared to do the work I plan to do, I make my environment as comfortable and in the zone as possible. And what that looks like varies from time to time.
For example, right now, I'm on my period. So, I make sure to set up a pillow behind my back, on my chair. that makes me feel more comfortable, relaxed, and supported. I also get a heating pad, and put it up against the pillow, and my back. This way, there is a constant, soothing and calming heat radiating towards my uterus. That supports me in feeling relaxed and comfortable; and the heat helps soothe any cramps that I may be experiencing. It's also a really good preventative measure for cramps.
Sometimes when I'm doing work that requires more vulnerability, and I'm feeling a little uncomfortable or sensitive while working, I grab a little soft blanket. I wrap myself up like a burrito, and it makes me feel safe and secure. Like I'm getting a lovely hug from a big, strong lover.
The point is: do whatever you need to get comfortable. Sometimes, what I need to get into the zone is to take off my pajamas. Sometimes I need to put on actual clothes to signal to my brain that resting time is over, and it's time to get to work. Other days, I can do all of the work in the world while wearing my jammies. It just depends on how I feel. And I let myself go with my own flow. I don't create hard rules or standards for how my workspace has to look or what I have to do.
I just do what needs to be done so that I feel clearer. Sometimes, that looks like cleaning up the clutter around my office. If I have too many things on my desk, I find it hard to concentrate. So I clean up. Easy peasy. And when my desk is clean and clear, I feel a little more drawn to using my fun computers and microphone. I think it's more enjoyable to be in more comfortable spaces.
So, do whatever you need to do in order to get you in your zone. Maybe you need to be more comfortable. Maybe you need to open a window because the heater was on and it makes you sleepy, whereas the cold morning air would help you to wake up. It doesn't matter what you do. It's more about listening to your body and mind. Just try some stuff and listen to what you like.
Maybe you like working from your bed. Maybe you get confused mixing your working space with your sleeping space. Personally, I like to work away from where I sleep. That way, when I go into my bedroom, my body knows that it's time to relax and rest. But do what works for you.
#4 Listen To Music To Shift The Vibe
Alright. So, you're comfortable and your mind is now starting to focus on what you've intended to do. But sometimes, even after I've gotten the space together, I still don't feel completely ready or inspired, yet. And I like to work while I'm in my zone. So, I listen to music to help me.
My favorite music to listen to while attracting inspiration is gospel music. One of my favorite songs is Breakthrough, by Eddie James. The song shifts my energy because it's literally about breaking through. The lyrics literally say, You are the God of the breakthrough.
So when I need a breakthrough? I listen to songs charged with the energy of breaking through. I listen to songs praising God for giving his love and support and help and guidance.
You can listen to songs that have healing frequencies in them. You can listen to songs that make you feel like a bad bitch. You can listen to songs that make you feel wealthy as fuck. It doesn't matter, as long as you know how you are wanting to feel. When I want to feel inspired, like God is calling me to do this work and is guiding my every step, I listen to gospel music.
Now, I don't just listen to it while thinking, "oh god, I have to do this project right now or else. please please please work, music. please please please bring me inspiration."
No. I don't do that.
I'm not focussed on the project until I'm working on the project. Period. It's a mental boundary. I do not waste my energy on dread when I can be fully present in what I've decided to do instead of working.
When I put my music on, I get into it. I listen, and I'm present. I enjoy the experience. And as I listen, maybe thoughts that match the lyrics come up in my mind. Maybe I start thinking about how good God has been to me. Maybe I start thinking about the problems that I had and I start seeing things differently. Maybe points that I've never considered before pop up in my mind.
Or I maybe I just get really into the lyrics. I sing aloud. Or I hum if I don't know the words. Speech is a powerful tool for shifting energy.
My favorite part of the song to sing along to says:
Breakthrough in my mind, breakthrough in my heart, breakthrough in my spirit, breakthrough in my soul.
Breakthrough in my weakness, Breakthrough in my struggle.
You are the God. You are the God of the breakthrough.
And by the time the song is over, I feel inspired.
I also want to mention that sometimes it takes more than just one song to get the energy flowing for me. Sometimes it takes a Sunday service-like session to get me flowing. Sometimes I go from gospel to rap to r&b and back. It's just about flowing and enjoying and feeling good and jamming.
And by the time I start feeling satisfied with the amount of music I've listened to, the number of words I've belted out, and the quantity of ass I've shaken...
I know what I want to write about or talk about. Ideas pop up in my head for what I can do or how I can do two seemingly opposite things at once.
For example, I'm going to read this blog post for today's episode of my podcast (it's the Naked And Noisy podcast, which will be linked at the bottom of this post).
I didn't know what I was going to share today, or how I was going to advertise my newest program inside of the episode. I thought that maybe I should do a podcast episode about old friendships or lovers, and how I'm opening up to new connections. But I didn't want to. It just didn't feel aligned.
After I asked for guidance, I realized that I didn't have to align the podcast episode with my current pre-sale offer. I could just let the people know about the offer while talking about what I wanted to talk about.
And then, with this blog post, I knew that I wanted to share more educational content on this blog, and in Pinterest. So when I was inspired last night to write about how I get into my flow and attract inspiration, I knew that it would become a blog post that I would pin to Pinterest.
It all got tied together when I didn't like what I had originally recorded for today's podcast episode. I spent two hours recording an episode that may never see the light of day. And I did not want to spend another hour recording something else.
When I asked for inspiration, and I asked for things to be easy and to be flowy.... I realized that my podcast listeners could use these tips as well. Then, I got to work.
And now, we're here.
#5 Take Dance Breaks. Often.
Whenever I feel tired... or even like my mind is wandering from the task(s) at hand.... I take a dance break.
I put on some Beyonce. Or some oldies. it really doesn't matter what I'm listening to. Because the intention isn't really about shifting my energy anywhere... the intention is more about grooving and giving my brain a break.
This isn't a sweatshop. I don't force myself to turn out work. It doesn't matter what time it is. At this point, it doesn't matter what my deadline is. Because I'm working on it. I'm making forward progress. And I'm a human. Not a machine.
When my brain feels tired, and I'm having trouble remembering words, getting my point across, or just being in the flow... I take a break.
I listen to whatever feels good to listen to. Sometimes I listen to songs that help me hold the vibe of what I'm working on. Like, if I'm working on love stuff then romantic songs are great. Or when I'm talking about my childhood, songs that were popular in the early 2000's are great.
But the point here is that you should do something that's not work focussed. This helps you to focus back on the work when it's time to work again. What I find is that, after a great dance break, I feel drawn to my work. I want to keep writing or recording or whatever the hell it is that I'm doing.
Because I enjoy my work, it's never hard to get me back on track. But if I don't take breaks, I will experience burnout. And that takes days and weeks of recovery time. So, yeah. It's okay if things don't come out perfectly on time.
And I can show up like this in my business because I know that I'm good enough. I know that I'm worthy. I know that I can't fuck this business up. I show up because I want to, not because I need to or else. I move with purpose, and I hold myself to my own standards.
Not starting the work at all until after the deadline? That's not within my boundaries. That's not within my own standards for how I want to operate in this business. So I don't.
And that's an embodiment of self worth and love. Maintaining the boundaries I hold for myself is an embodiment of self worth and love. But being a few hours late.... sending an email at night instead of in the morning... or publishing the podcast early on a Tuesday morning every now and then is acceptable to me.
So, what are you boundaries for your behavior? And are they kind? Do they keep in mind that you are a human being and not a robot? Do they take the fact that emotional wellbeing is your birthright into consideration?
Those are your five tips. I hope you enjoyed them and got some inspiration or tricks to use and implement into your working routine!
If you were curious about the program in pre-sale that I mentioned in today's post, you can learn more and enroll into the "Love After Loss" mini-course using the link below.
Thanks for tuning in this far! As a gift, I'd love to offer you my "6 Steps from Stuck To Self Aware" Bundle! In this free bundle, you'll learn my signature 6 step process for identifying any limiting belief. It's a must have for your personal development collection; after all, we can't shift limiting beliefs that we don't know exist.
Oh! And you can tune into the Naked & Noisy podcast, here:
Love you so much,