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Mindset Hack To Overcome Your Fear Of Rejection

Updated: Jun 19

Whether it’s sharing your art with the world, launching a new business, or even sharing your feelings with a loved one… the fear of rejection can stop us from going after our heart’s desires.

Want to know what I do instead of focussing on the possibilities of rejection?

I imagine the people of the world loving me. I imagine people genuinely and authentically being so enamored with me, feeling so good in my energy, that they just eat up everything that I share.

Visualize and feel into a world where people love you. See people watching your content and laughing along with you. See them feeling for you, and identifying with your story.

Visualize people looking at your products and being so excited to buy. Or being excited to book with you. Imagine what it would be like if people learned about you, and they knew that you were the one for them. What if they knew that you were the person who could get them to their next level of happiness or income or emotional fulfillment or enjoyment or however your work improves their lives? How would that feel?

Now, do that exercise every time the fear comes up; and pretty soon not only will your feelings shift but so will the things coming up in your reality.

This tool is incredibly powerful because you get what you focus on.

Whatever your mind focuses on expands, so the more you focus on being loved, the more that expands in your world!

That’s why tools like this are so helpful. When you’re afraid of being rejected, you’re imagining yourself being pushed away. When you spend your time feeling like you're being pushed away... you manifest instances where you're pushed away. This mindset "hack" fixes that for you.

Instead, take each time that fear is triggered as an opportunity to see yourself being loved and cherished. Do it often and consistently enough, and you’ll see a shift in how you approach everything and the results you get.

Share this post with someone who you wish would share more of their amazing talents with the world!

As a thanks for reading this far, I'd love to offer you my "6 Steps from Stuck To Self Aware" Bundle! In this free bundle, you'll learn my signature 6 step process for identifying any limiting belief. It's a must have for your personal development collection; after all, we can't shift limiting beliefs that we don't know exist.

Love you so much! I'll talk to you in the next one!

To your continued success and emotional fulfillment,



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