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The Power of Faith: Why You Need It and How To Develop It

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

In deliberate manifestation, your job is to get clear on what you want, see yourself having it, and then have faith that it's coming. That was a very, very simplified version of the process; but that's basically it.

As you're starting out, calling in manifestations for the first time, you'll likely have some doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs that are triggered. As your limiting beliefs are triggered, your job is to look at them, debunk them, and tell yourself a new story that supports you getting what you want.

As you start telling a new story that says you get to have the money you desire, for example, your job is to have faith that the money is coming. even when it appears to be not coming.

The more you practice manifesting, the more you practice releasing your limiting beliefs and having faith that what you desire is coming to you, the more the process becomes simple and easy.

In today's post, we're talking about the faith portion.

Receiving your manifestations comes quickly when you trust God to deliver.

First, let me make this clear: it is so normal to feel worry and doubts around your manifestations, especially because the “how” isn’t your job to worry about. You're expected to believe that what you want is coming in even though you don't know the way that it's going to come into your life. And when you don't know how it's coming, or what the unfolding of the manifestation might look like... it just makes sense to be freaked out when your reality seems to be staying the same.

You might look around, feeling unsatisfied with what you're seeing and think to yourself,

🤔 Will it actually come in?

🤔 Why isn’t it showing up?

🤔 Am I doing something wrong?

🤔 Am I not working hard enough?

It is so important that you know what to do with these thoughts because they can lead you into a downward spiral where you're feeling certain that what you desire will not be yours.

Trust me, I've been there. And even though I spent years freaking out about whether or not I could have what I wanted... I still managed to step into my power and become a powerful manifesting machine. The point is that all is not lost, no matter how many times you freak out or even give up on your manifestations.

You can always get back up again.

You can always tap back into the vibe of having what you desire.

You can always decide that you're willing to believe that it's coming in anyway.

Nearly every manifestation coach out there tells you that you need faith to overcome your doubts and believe that your manifestations are on the way, regardless of how things look— but what does that really mean?

💡 "Having faith" is another phrase for "relying on God/the Universe". There's an emphasis is on your willingness to *rely* on them, here. 💡

When you’re freaking out and consumed by doubt, it’s actually an abandonment wound being triggered.

Think about that for a second. When you're having trouble believing and having faith that your manifestation is on the way, you're actually feeling scared that you're going to be abandoned by the Universe. Your job is to focus on your energy and your thoughts. God's job is to bring all of the cooperative components together, getting your physical reality to be a physical reflection of your desires.

The think about God's job is that He doesn't exactly do it in the way you think He will, or should. The Universe operates on infinite intelligence. The Universe sees the perfect path, the path of least resistance, to get you what you're asking for. My point here is that there's no way for you to know the best, easiest way for the money or the guy or the dream car to come to you. There's just too many missing pieces there. So, we let infinite intelligence do their part.

And we do ours, which is no small feat– especially in the beginning. Our job is to focus on our thoughts, becoming aware of the subconscious limiting beliefs that our minds are telling from moment to moment. Our job is to rewire those beliefs. Our job is to focus on what we want, what it looks like to be there, and how it feels to have it. Our job is to shift our energy to align with what we desire from moment to moment. When you think about all of the things you've got to do in order to manifest, doesn't it make you feel a bit relieved that the Universe has a part in this, too?

While you're working on your mind, God is working on everything else.

Faith is your trust that God is going to do His part. Let's talk about the reason why you're having trouble with faith.

You’re scared that the money or sales or boyfriend (or whatever your desire is) won’t come because you’re scared that you can’t truly rely on others— or in this case, God.

When you’re a kid, and you ask for some thing, and you don’t receive it, you don’t have the capacity to understand that your parents have their own limiting beliefs. You don't have the capacity to understand that you not getting what you want isn't a reflection of how good of a kid you are, or what you get to receive out of life.

Whether you were asking for more love and support or physical touch and cuddles... or you were asking for more toys and clothes and concert tickets... when your parents didn't show up for you, you felt abandoned.

When you cried out for help and support for your survival and fulfillment in life, you didn't know whether or not anyone was going to respond.

In an ideal household scenario: overtime, as your parents consistently show up for you, you begin to trust that you can rely on them. You trust that when you call out for them, they’re going to respond and they’re going to show up for you. You trust that when you have the desire for new toys or clothes, they will at least be willing to work with you and support you in getting what you desire.

But when your parents didn't show up for you, at least not consistently and reliably, you didn't develop that sense of trust. You didn't develop that faith. See where I'm going with this?

Having an abandonment wound means you don’t trust, or have faith in, others to show up for you and to meet your needs.

This means, number one: you don’t feel worthy of being shown up for, or tended to. You don’t understand that you’re worthy of getting your wants, needs, and desires.

Number two, it means that you’re going to subconsciously perceive authority figures, and other people responsible for taking care of you, as being indifferent towards your wants, needs, and desires.

These are two things that you get to shift now. Especially when it comes to manifestation. Because in this process, you’re obviously relying on God. You’re relying on the Universe. You are also relying on the other cooperative components of the world to show up for you... whether that’s a man being a cooperative component to get you the dream relationship by coming into your life to meet your emotional needs and commit to you... or it’s a client being a cooperative component by coming into your life to meet your financial needs by buying your services.

Manifestation is an internal process; but it is not a one-man job. If you don't feel safe to rely on others, you're going to freak the fuck out every. step. of. the. way.

Like I've said, the beautiful thing about this is that these feelings and beliefs can absolutely be shifted.

They *must* be shifted because when you’re freaking out, you’re telling the story that God isn’t reliable nor can they be be trusted.

And that’s not the truth.

Manifestation is real. You can absolutely trust God to show up for you.

Your job now is this: process the pain of the past and start practicing the feeling state of trusting God (and others) to show up for you. The more you practice imagining the version of yourself who deeply and completely trusts God (and others), the more you will become that person. You will attract new thoughts, epiphanies, and ways of seeing and feeling about things that are aligned with you being able to rely on others. The more you do this, the more your dominant vibration will shift. When you do this, God is given the opportunity to blow your mind— and you receive your desires. You continue to imagine this version of yourself; and before you know it, you'll just be someone who trusts God (and others), and who gets what they want every. time.

If you're ready to let someone else into your manifestation journey, I would love to help and support you with developing these skills. Of my many programs that can shift your energy and teach you to manifest, I suggest checking out "Visual Vamp Up" by clicking here. You can also grab my free gift that I'm going to tell you about right... now:

Hello, for those of you who are new here! I'm so glad to have you here, reading my blog, and in my world.

I'm Nathallie Hughes: a luxury obsessed mindset & manifestation coach who helps self-led women overcome trauma and manifest their happily ever afters! On my platform, I help women go from chronic disappointment and powerlessness to emotional fulfillment and empowerment. I believe that what you want, need, and desire matters. And I also believe that you have the power to create a reality where you are receiving all that matters to you. My job is helping you remember who you are.

I'm so happy that you've found your way to me. You're going to love it here.

As a gift, I'd love to offer you my "6 Steps from Stuck To Self Aware" Bundle! In this free bundle, you'll learn my signature 6 step process for identifying any limiting belief. It's a must have for your personal development collection; after all, we can't shift limiting beliefs that we don't know exist.

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