How often do you feel like what you have to say or do or be or offer just isn't good enough because it isn't like everyone else’s?
Lately, I’ve been feeling 50 shades of not enough. dab
I have had this obsession with my feed… and its aesthetic… and getting the pacing of the content just right… and making it all come together and look cute so that it’s appealing to people— and that’s a valid desire, isn’t it?
But when it becomes something that I'm stressing over, where I'm feeling "not enough" because I can’t get my feed like my favorite mentors'... then it becomes unhealthy and unhelpful.
Here’s are shifts that helped me get over the bullshit lies. ⬇️
🤯 I spent so much time feeling bad that I was different, and therefore wouldn’t "fit in"... that I wasn’t thinking about how *good* it would be for me to be… myself.
When you're focussed on them, and all the things they have to offer the world, the biggest problem is that you're missing out on what you have to offer (that the world probably hasn't seen, yet).
You know, it's like that phrase, "Be yourself, everyone else is taken."
You have a special something that you've come to bring to the world. In how you speak. How you give. How you think.
But when we're telling the story that we aren't good enough... we're missing out on the gives lying within us. We aren't searching for our own brilliance while we're looking longingly at others'.
Of course, it's okay to be inspired. It's okay to see others and think, "I want to be successful like them" or "I want to be loved and adored like they are." There's nothing wrong with those thoughts. In fact, we're here to inspire and be inspired. So that's fine.
But what happens after you get inspired? Do you tell the story that you aren't enough? that that could never be you? that you aren't ready or capable or rich or skinny enough to be that seen or loved and accepted, yet?
Trust me, I get it. I'm not judging you. I have been right there with you. In fact, I was there... up until I had this shift.
🤯 I spent so much time trying to force myself into their boxes that I didn’t realize I have my own special things to offer.
I thought the world wouldn't want to hear from me because I don't have a Mercedes G wagon and I'm not making $100,000 months yet. I thought the world wouldn't find value in my work because I'm not living in my dream apartment, yet.
But when I stopped. When I gave myself a moment to see things differently and I opened up to what my special thing might be... I realized several things:
I write poetry. I make beautiful art. I know astrology. I love music.
I have a million different interests… and a million different ways I can incorporate those interests into this work.
I could do things like creating beautiful images on Procreate and adding some poetry on top for my posts. I've never seen another manifestation, mindset coach doing that before.
Once I realized all of the tools I had that could set me a part and allow me to be fully me while being accepted and receiving my desires... I was off. Inspired. And I haven't stopped working since.
From this point forward, my Instagram will be poetic pictures like the one you saw at the beginning of this email. And it'll be angel number pictures with inspirational quotes. And it'll be collages and vision boards and tweets and cheetah. And whatever the hell I want, whenever the hell I want.
And it’ll be… different.
And my feed won’t be perfect or polished.
But it’ll be me. And I like me.
And maybe my perfect clients and community members aren’t looking for perfect. Maybe they’re looking for funky and weird and cheetah print and random and fun and lightheartedness and depth and everything else that I am all at the same time.
Who am I kidding? Of course they are.
They’re my people, after all. 😌
Before I leave you, let me tell you this about our brains: we can't focus on more than one thing at a time. The problem with telling stories of unworthiness and not good enough-ness is that while you're focussing on what's "wrong" with you, you're losing an opportunity to focus on what's right with you. After all, you can't do both at the same time.
While I was busy worrying about all of the things I didn't have that might "disqualify" me from receiving the audience and community and clients and customers of my desire... I was losing time to focus on my greatness.
You're only able to focus on one thing at a time; and you create your reality with this limited focus. You only have so much energy [to focus on things, take action, and live]. And there are only 24 hours in every day [minus the time you sleep].
With all of these limitations, it's clearly very important what you focus on. With this in mind, do you think that time spent on your perceived flaws is a good investment?
Hell no, it's not.
With my limited time, energy, and ability to focus, I want my mind working in favor of my growth, healing, and expansion.
What about you?
My questions for you today are these:
🤔 How might you being different make you *perfect* for your people?
🤔 What different thing about you do you plan to embrace moving forward?
If you'd like to share, reply to this email. I’d love to hear from you.
And also, there’s a new bonus coming your way inside of the “How To Receive” course today. It’s all about how to embrace your funky, and call in your desires anyway. I'm uploading the video and journal prompts now.
The point is: You don’t have to be like the people who already have what you desire, in order to get what you desire. You’re good enough now.
If you’re not yet enrolled, and would like to be (good choice), click the link below and I'll see you inside.
Oh! And the price of the course is going up next week, so now is a great time to enroll if you were already planning on it!
I love you, and I'll talk to you again soon, I promise.
P.S. You can enroll for as little as $600 today. Okay. Love you. Bye.