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What To Do When You're Too Afraid To Start

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

There's a lot of rules and expectations that we put on ourselves, isn't there? Whether it's because of external influence or internal feelings of not being good enough... We can fall into that trap of doing nothing because we're just not able to measure up... just yet.

But this trap is very dangerous, because waiting to act can quickly become failing to act. And the only time we have a 100% chance at failing is when we do absolutely nothing.

Maybe you’re afraid of taking action because everyone “out there” is telling you that you have to be consistent or it won’t work... and sometimes needing to be consistent feels like needing to be perfect. And when you feel like you need to be perfect, you start focussing on everything that isn't perfect. And then all you can see are reasons that you shouldn't show up at all.

Or maybe you’re afraid of showing up because you don’t have the software or the tools or the automations or the “looks” that everyone else “out there” seems to have. The industry leaders have professional photoshoots and websites. They have fancy funnels and upsell offers included in their checkouts and they have thousands and millions of people watching and listening to them. They have a team editing their videos or sending their emails. Or maybe they just have state of the art technology that seemingly makes it all easy for them.

You look at them... And you look at you. And you just see so many differences that it makes you feel like you could never be them... Or that it would take you so long to become them... that you shouldn't even bother trying, right? It can seem like the support or looks or financial stability that you desire is so far away.

You’re afraid that what you have just isn’t enough…

You’re afraid that who you currently are just isn’t enough.

But I’ve got news for you: God knew where you would be starting off when he created you to walk out this purpose in life.

He knew what kind of childhood you’d have [that would ultimately prepare you for your life’s purpose].

He knew what kind of self esteem you’d have, and how much you’d need to heal and shift in order to fully step into your life’s purpose.

He knew what kind of technology and software and aesthetics you’d have access to in the beginning.

He knew how many followers or costumers or clients or referrals or testimonials you'd have when you started.

And he still gave you this purpose anyway.

He gave you this dream and this vision anyway.

Because he also knew this: that what you’d be given in the beginning, no matter how small or insignificant it might look to you, it would be enough. It would be enough to get you going. It would be enough to create the spark that could turn into the flame that would spread through the world like a wildfire. Your work was made to spread through the world like a wildfire.

He knew that it would be enough. Maybe it's just enough. Maybe it's barely enough. But it's enough. So do it now.

However much confidence you have now? It's enough. However many ideas you have now? They're enough. However many followers you have now? They're enough.

Whatever action you can muster up the courage to take right here and right now? It's enough.

However small it might be in the beginning. However inconsistent it might be, at first. Just do it now. And it will grow. Your resources will grow. Your confidence will grow. Your audience will grow. Your love interests will grow, if you're getting back out there into the dating world.

You are enough in every aspect of your life to get yourself to where you want to be. Understand that god wouldn't set you up for failure. He set you up to win when he created you with enough.

Understand that confidence isn’t something that people have or don’t have. Confidence is built over time. Confidence is a consequence of consistency. The more you show up, the more you'll believe in your ability to do it. But perfection is required for either.

You can be spotty in the beginning. Or in the middle.

You can try things. You can change things. You can learn as you go.

God’s grace will support you and guide you; but you’ve got to do something. You’ve got to take that first step. You’ll be amazed at how things shift for you when you just act.

So create that post. Start that blog. Start sharing those pins. Start sharing who you truly are with people. And give them the opportunity to love you. Give them the opportunity to support you. And to learn from you. And to be inspired by you.

When you start now, you get to be a testament for the next person whose lack of confidence is their current excuse for playing small.

Hope this inspires you on your lovely Saturday (or whenever you’re reading this).

I love you so much. I can’t wait to see what you’ve come here to create for the world.

And if you're feeling worried that you won't be fully supported when putting yourself out there; and you want to get more confident on why it's only good and fair for you to receive all of the support that you want, need, and desire... I highly suggest enrolling into the "How To Receive" Self Love Course. Learn more and enroll using the link below.

Thanks so much for reading this far! If you're new here, it's nice to meet you!

I'm Nathallie Hughes: a mindset, manifestation coach. I help women go from feeling powerless and insecure about themselves to feeling confident and empowered enough to create emotionally fulfilling lives! I'm so happy that you've found your way into my world. You're going to love it here.

As a gift, I'd love to offer you my "6 Steps from Stuck To Self Aware" Bundle! In this free bundle, you'll learn my signature 6 step process for identifying any limiting belief. It's a must have for your personal development collection; after all, we can't shift limiting beliefs that we don't know exist.

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