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Dream Workplace: Self Concept Digital Journal

Dream Workplace: Self Concept Digital Journal


Your self concept is your self perception. How you see yourself either supports your manifestation and fulfillment… or it doesn’t.


The best manifestors know that creating your reality is all about shifting your state. Right now, from the state that you’re in, you’re thinking, seeing, and feeling like someone who isn’t fulfilled in the worlkplace. Think about it. 


When you think about your working environment, you think:

“I remember that time everyone backstabbed me...” and

“I'm never appreciated for anything I do." and 

"I don't like my boss/coworkers/clients because they..."  


Thoughts like that create a feeling of LACK within you. They create an experience in your internal world where you feel like you don't have what you want. As a consequence, your physical reality reflects more lack right back to you.


And… your dream workplace environment remains out of sight.


On the other hand, the opposite happens when you see yourself working in your dream workplace.  When you imagine yourself having what you desire, you start to FEEL like you're already there. We call that “living in the end”.  


In manifestation, your job is to be in the end state. to live as if you've already gotten what you want. And as you feel like you’ve already got the dream workplace, you start to vibrate at the frequency of the dream workplace. And as you vibrate at the frequency of the dream workplace, you start to attract the dream workplace. the dream clients. the dream bosses. the dream coworkers. a work culture that understands the importance of work-life balance. A safe and supportive, healthy environemnt starts to make its way to you. 


You start to attract epiphanies, mindset shifts, resources, people, and experiences that support you in having the dream workplace. This is why I created the Dream Workplace: Self Concept Digital Journal


I wanted to help you practice living in the end, while also developing the identity of someone who always works someplace that they enjoy. 


As you practice the 20+ journal prompts and exercises in this digital journal, you will be spending your time deliberately shifting your vibration. And vibration is what attracts.


Hear me when I say this: Wishing your coworkers, clients, and/or bosses would behave differently doesn't attract. Hating the hours you work isn't what attracts. Feeling betrayed and running away after being the victim of office gossip and jealousy isn't what attracts.


Living in the end, deliberately exploring a life where you always have the dream workplace experience, is what attracts. Challenging yourself to think and speak as if you’re already living your desire is what attracts.


As you do these prompts and exercises, you shift your identity and you begin to collapse time. Everything, including the people and working locations of your dreams, must come together to help you live out what you identify with. Your reality isn’t deciding what happens to you, it’s reflecting your vibration back to you.


So, what are you going to do to change your internal world, and change that reflection? 


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