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Ready To Write A Review?

Have you taken a course, booked a personal reading, or been a personal client? I'd love to hear about your experience, your results, and your takeaways! Click the button below to fill out a review form and you'll be featured on this page, too! 


She’s a life coach… and that’s what she does: she coaches. And it feels like... what does the coach do? the coach gets you ready to go into the game…


It started off like, ‘I don’t know…. maybe I can kind of dribble, I guess…” to… the most recent time we’ve worked together it was more like, ‘ Put me in, coach!’ 


[She] coaches through the different things that are going on, not only currently, but figuring out where it is that I was holding myself back.”

I’m more aware of what’s going on. In terms of like, my emotions...


If I’m anxious… My mind isn’t… hiding from it. My mind is just like ‘why are you anxious?’ and I’m like ‘huh… that’s a change!’


If I’m having anxiety, I’m like ‘why am I having anxiety?’ ‘oh. Because this, this, and this…’ like… my mind kind of works differently now, and kind of picks up on certain things now where like before I wouldn’t be aware of that. I would just be like ‘oh… just bury it…’ 

Name, Title

This is an investment in your growth and healing. It surely has been for me. 

Nathallie has willingly stepped into a life of purpose by letting her own light shine.


She is a healer that speaks and walks in abundance and this is exactly what my sessions with her have led me to. Nathallie will guide you into a new perspective towards the blockages in your life that need healing. 

She is a powerful, direct, nurturing and compassionate healer. 


This will not be the kind of reading where you will hear how you can get someone to be in a commited relationship with you. Moreover this will be about banishing the blindfolds that make you think that you need that certain person. This is about discovering which wounds have made you think that you are not deserving of abundance, love and peace.


Also, to be honest, you will save a lot of the time and money spent on  the average therapist simply because she is intuitive and she will pick up on your energy without you having to explain where you are coming from in the first five sessions.  


Plus, she is funny. Get ready for a ride into the veils of ancestral wisdom, the pursuit of dreams and the TEA. "

Fiorella V. 

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