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In manifestation you get what you focus on. Your energy, attention, and focus grow the things in your life. So naturally, when you're ready to get something new, you'll be guided by every teacher out there to simply shift your focus. But it doesn't always feel so simple, does it? Sometimes it can feel unsafe to focus on where you want to go. And it can actually seem logical to focus on what's keeping you stuck.


When you're ready to buy the newest Tom Ford fragrance... but you'll have to wait a few more paychecks to easily and comfortably afford it, it can seem counterintuitive to live as if you already have the fragrance collection of your dreams. It can feel like your physical, financial reality would instantly challenge and dispute any claims of more wealth and comfort. It can feel foolish, or even unrealistic, to believe that your collection and income can quickly grow to where you want them to be.


When you've just attracted your latest romantic interest, and he's intimidated by your successes... so much so that he's trying to belittle you or undermine your dreams, it can seem counterintuitive to live as if you're in your dream relationship. It can feel like you're living in a fantasy land; and like just "imagining something different" isn't ever seriously going to change the dating game for you. It can feel like everyone else in the world is right, and you just might have to settle in love


When life at the company just keeps getting worse between the layoffs and the office drama, it can seem counterintuitive to live as if you've got the job of your dreams with coworkers [and bosses] who adore, support, and respect you. The idea that your life could truly change so radically, and quickly, could seem laughable and impractical.


But, here's the thing: the problem isn't living in your imagination. The problem is your relationship with your imagination. The problem is how you interact with, and understand, your imagination.


What if it wasn't crazy to dream? What if it wasn't too much, too soon? What if your desire was coming towards you right now? And what if it really could be that easy? 


You have a super power that you haven't tapped into, yet. 


I know, it can seem ridiculous to be living as if you have something that has yet to manifest. But you know what? This is one of those ideas that are so "crazy" that they just might work.


Well, they do work. These ideas work. For millions of people around the world. These concepts of being willing to shift your energy, and open up to experiencing radical change, are working for millions all around the world, right here and right now. 


So why not join them? Why not be willing to do things differently? Why not be willing to know exactly where you're going, what it looks like, and how it feels to be there?

Your imagination is your super power. Visual Vamp-Up is the program designed to help you tap in to it like never before. 


The trick is that you've got to understand energy. You've got to understand the truth about your imagination, and the power of your focus.


Because when you're living and exploring a whole new world [the world of your desired life experience] you're no longer vibrating at the frequency of "I have a job that I hate" or "I don't have enough money for the new home I want" or "Men always end up disappointing me."


When you're exploring a whole new world, you're vibrating at the frequencies of "What I desire is mine, now" and "I'm worthy of the lifestyle of my desire" and "Men are deeply trustworthy, safe beings who love, support, and protect me." 

The truth is this: we live in a vibrational reality. And if you want a change in your life, you need to know how to align your vibration with what you want to create. 

You get to vibrate higher. You get to call in better. 


Believe me when I tell you, there's nothing more wonderful than receiving what you want after you've shifted your energy to call it in. There's nothing better than the realization that you do have the power to impact your reality for the better... and that it can be as easy as deliberately shifting your focus.


For example, I'm creating a reality where my work, courses, and programs are notorious for helping and supporting women. In my visions, I see my comment sections being a testimonial section where women are constantly, naturally sharing about how my work has positively impacted their lives. As my reality continues to shift, I get more and more comments like this:


This is the power of having a vision and holding it.


And this is what my newest program, Visual Vamp-Up is for. It's about getting clear on what your vision is and using energetic, mindset, and visual tools to hold it. To sit with it. To lean into it. To get comfortable with it, and to let it become your normal. So that it can manifest with ease, and you feel natural receiving it.

Lately, I have been playing with energy like never before. More specifically, I have been playing with the energy of "now".  


change now. 

results now. 

receiving now. 

Not many people play with the energy of "now". A lot of us play with the energy of "someday". And of "I can't do it." And of "it's not working". 


"I'm sure the guy I want will come in... someday."

"No matter how hard I try, it's just not working."

"It's so hard, I feel like I just can't do it."


But there is something about being in the energy of "now"... 


"The man of my desire is coming to me now."

"I did it. It's all happening for me right here, and right now." 

"It's just getting easier and easier now. I'm doing it." 


Everything can be shifting, now. Everything can be changing, now. And this is more important than it's ever been before. Because you’re not the woman who you were 5 minutes ago; before you landed on this page. You didn’t know then, what you know now.


Now, you know that your reality isn’t going to change until you change it. Now, you know that your vibration must be deliberately shifted in order to get you new results. Now, you know that your imagination is a powerful tool that can be unleashed with your thoughts, mindset tools, and the practical application of universally-true spiritual concepts.


Now, you know that if you do nothing, your reality stays the same. And if you’re the woman who’s ready for her next level, like I know that you are, then you're also unavailable for the life you’re currently living. You can't take another day of disappointment, dissatisfaction, or defeat. in any aspect of life. This means: your time is now. This means: your time has to be now. Because until you change, nothing else will.  And now, you've got access to the support you need to turn it all around. 


Personally, I'm so done being held back by fear or the perceived limitations in my physical reality. I'm done listening to coaches who say I can't have quick growth and expansion. I'm done asking and praying for change like God is the one deciding what happens to me in my life, anyway. I'm stepping into my power. I'm stepping into the leadership role in my life, and my business.


And as a leader, it's my job to create and hold the vision. It's my job to be in charge of my thoughts. It's my job to be in charge of my energy. It's my job to see myself receiving with ease. And as the leader of my life, I'm feeling more determined than ever before. I'm ready. Ready to receive. Ready to relish. Ready to be ready for more. 


I'm getting clear on what I want, and I'm walking around like it's all already unfolding. because it is. 


It's time to unleash the power of your imagination, completely own what you desire, and confidently call it in. 


Because the best manifestation teachers know that God, or Source, or Spirit is just the first responder. The best manifestation teachers know that everything in the spiritual realm is waiting on your command. They can't move until you give them permission to. They can't support you until you expect them to. And that why I've incarnated. My job is to help you slide into the driver's seat of your own life; so you can let God and your angels handle the GPS like they were always meant to. You see, God was never in the driver's seat. God is the one that brings it all together. God is in control of the "how". And although that's an important part of the process, the "how" isn't the "what". You are the "what". Am I sounding too much like Dr. Seuss, now? 

Long story short: you're creating your reality. Your thoughts are determining what you receive. It's not "fate" being determined by something outside of you. It's "fate" being determined by the stories that are alive within you. So, God's never been in the driver's seat of your life. It's just you. or your subconscious. 

The work we do in this course is taking your power back from your subconscious mind. It's time for you to consciously create your reality. Sound good? 


To help you do this, I'm hosting a manifestation party. Consider the party more "slumber" than "rager", though. Unlike the Lady Gaga experience, there will be no buses or clubs... and we will certainly be getting a good night's sleep. If this sounds like your vibe, then consider this an invitation. You are now cordially invited to the greatest vision board party of the year. 


It's time to create a vision for your next chapter.

The perfect vision board has three components: 


It shifts your energy,

It elevates your vibration,

and it magnetizes your desires to you. 


A good vision board is a reflection of your vortex. It inspires you, and you can't help but get excited for your future when you look at it. A great vision board can take you into your mind's eye: summoning fulfilling scenarios that play themselves out for you as you shift your focus from photo to photo. An amazing vision board makes you think, "This is exactly where I'm going. This is already mine. I see it now. I feel it now. I receive it right here, and right now."    


And the best vision boards of them all, are the ones that actually manifest.

Let's get down to business. Your life can radically change in the next two months. You could be living a reality that is completely different from where you are now... And the thing that's going to get you there is your positioning. If you were to spend the next several days, weeks, and months positioning yourself for imminent, exponential success... then I believe it would have no choice but to flow to you.


Visual Vamp-Up is the multi-miniature-course program, featuring a manifestation-party-in-your-pocket, that was made to help you tap into the vibration of your desires like never before. 

When we intentionally align our energy with our desires while simultaneously believing that we get to have them, we become irresistible to what we've intended to manifest. And that's what I want for you. I want you to end this year feeling irresistibly attractive to your dreams and goals. I want you to end this year confident that what you want gets to be yours and is meant to be yours.  


Inside, you're going to unleash the power of your energy, imagination, and thoughts... with playWe are going to connect, and play our way into abundance, wealth, happiness, joy, and alignment with anything else we may so choose.


You've probably already got an active imagination. Inside of this program, I'm going to show you how to use that to change your life. With the right spiritual, mindset, and graphic design tools, you can use your imagination to build, expand, and manifest the experiences of your desire. 

Welcome to Visual Vamp-Up: the goal-getting program made to help you create and hold a vision for your life that actually comes true.


In this program, I will walk you through my process for creating vision boards. I'll share how I find my images [photographs, phrases, and angel numbers], how I put them all together, the intentions I set, and more... And I'll help you change your mindset so that allowing that change to take place can be easy and quick


This is a mindset-rearranging program where I'll teach you to tap into the vibration of your desire like never before, and I'll teach you how to believe in it until it manifests. 


Not only will I be talking about how to create amazing vision boards, riffing on the importance of your focus, and dropping manifestation truth-bombs… I will also be making a manifestation board with you live. Well, in live-time. You’ll be watching the recording. Regardless, we’ll be making our vision boards together, in spirit. And what is more powerful than two people coming together who believe in infinite possibilities?  In this space, you'll be allowed to dream, and even to confess your deepest desires that you might not have felt safe to share, otherwise. I'll help you feel safe to dream.

Visual Vamp-Up Includes:

Unleash Your Imagination Mini Course​​

  • Understanding Vibration. The first module is this video. Yes, it's public. It's the perfect introduction to vibration. So good that I didn't need to re-record it for the course. Module is complete with an exclusive set of journal prompts made to help you integrate and apply the teachings to your current goals, and your self concept. 

  • Energetics of Imagination. The second module builds on top of your new understanding of vibration. What does it mean that your imagination creates your reality? What does it mean that your imagination is its own reality? How do these spiritual concepts help you to get what you want in your physical reality? What does it mean to live "as if" you have your desired reality, even when your physical reality is vastly different? What are they really getting at when manifestation teachers ask, "how would you feel if you got what you wanted now?" You'll get the answer to those questions inside of this module. This is where you'll learn to release the unhelpful beliefs that say it must be more difficult for you to get what you want. I love all of the modules of this program, but this is by far the most powerful in terms of unleashing the power of your imagination. This module is where doubt and self-imposed limitations go to die.

  • Releasing The Past/Present. What do you do when your physical reality keeps reminding you that you don't have what you desire? What happens when you start to feel like what you want might not ever come in? Or you're feeling frustrated because you're not seeing the change you want, yet? You come to this module. Module 3 is about learning to see your physical reality, and the manifestation of unwanted shit, as a past event... even when it appears to be your current experience... and you'll learn to shift and release those old stories on a cellular level.

  • Becoming The Person Who Has Your Desire. Inside of module 4, the releasing continues as you'll access an excellent EFT tapping script to help you release old stories and wounds that get triggered as a consequence of your commitment to going bigger. This portion of the program is all about You'll access an exercise I created to help you create your own EFT script from the vibration of your desire. This powerful module will help you shift how you see yourself, so you can communicate to yourself that it is now safe to be the version of you who has what you desire.


Vision Board 101 mini-course 

  • Get Clear On The Picture. What do you want? Why? By now, you'll understand why getting clear is important, and helpful. The vision board party has an amazing riff on this topic; and the journal prompts in this module will help you apply those shifts directly to your desire. With your new understanding of energetics, you'll be able to answer the questions with clarity, intention, and the confidence to claim what you want.

  • Getting Pictures. Where do I get my pictures? How do I manifest pictures that perfectly reflect what I'm choosing to create? How do I manifest a reality where my vision boards powerfully manifest? This module is super straightforward, especially because you'll find images with me during the vision board party.

  • Creating On Canva.  6 steps for putting together the perfect vision board on Canva. Written instruction of what we do live, during the party... with some additional tips thrown in.

  • Exploring The Vibration. What does it mean to explore the vibration of your desire? This powerhouse of a module is jam packed with questions created to get your creative juices flowing. Once your done with your board, what the hell comes next? Module 4 is your breakdown of the vision-board aftermath. Inside, you'll learn to charge up the energy of your boards. You'll learn to make your vision board, and the desire it represents, real. By the time you finish this module, you will know exactly what it's like to be in your desires reality. And you'll be magnetically summoning its manifestation. Did I mention it would be easy? And fun? In this household, we play-our-way to our desires. 


Live Vision Board Party Replay 

  • Vision Board Party. Make a vision board with me, live. Watch me and my screen as I pick images, explore the vibration of my desire, and design my board. See me layer, stack, and edit images. There is dancing and sporadic praise breaks when the music hits just right. Mostly, there is riffing on tapping into the vibration of your desire and creating beautiful, effective boards. I share a few things that I'm currently manifesting, and you see me create the vision board that I'm using to attract my soulmate friends.


P.S. Here's the board we'll make together: 


P.P.S. That board that I just created and made my desktop wallpaper? Yeah. It's already working... Two days after the vision board party, new friends have already started coming in. I've attracted new friendships and business collaborations. This. shit. works. 


Like at any good sleepover party, there will be gossip. I'll be sharing a few of my goals and ambitions for the end of this year and the upcoming one. We'll end the night clear on what we're creating, and excited about where we're going. No more questioning whether or not you can do this. No more feeling sad or miserable at the lack of results you're seeing. 


We're done with "maybe". We're done with "hopefully". 


From this point forward, we're certain. We're sure. We're convinced. We're exclusively available for rapid resolution, healing, growth, and results. You'll leave this program with the mindset tools you need to start feeling and seeing the forward movement that you desire. I am so excited to party with you, to speak life into you, and to support you in ending this year feeling proud of what you've made happen.


You get to be in your power. You get to live from an empowered state. And I'd love to be the coach to help you get there.

The Visual Vamp-Up is currently open for enrollment; which means when you join, you'll get instant access to the course contents!


After you join, here's what I suggest: Set a date for yourself to start going through the program. It's a long one, with the vision board party being 2 hours and 30 minutes by itself. But I suggest giving yourself an hour or two [or an entire evening] to dedicate your energy and efforts to you to begin.


Plan to take a long "everything" shower or bath. You know, the ones where you really exfoliate. and remove any unwanted leg hair. and put in a deep conditioning hair mask. Long story short, take that extra time. Pamper yourself. Communicate to yourself, with your actions, that you are worth the extra time and effort that it takes for you  to feel your sexiest and most radiant and refreshed. Because you are. 


When you get out and you're feeling fresh and clean, put on your favorite pajamas. And before we meet, don't forget to grab your snacks [including your favorite wine], a face mask, some pens [recreational and/or otherwise], and your journal. Then, you'll be ready to be ready.

I'll see you inside. I'll be the girl wearing Grinch pajamas with a cup of moscato in one hand, a dab pen in the other, a clay mask on her face, and a heart full of desires that are powerfully and quickly manifesting in her chest. You won't be able to miss me.  

What People Are Saying About Nathallie Hughes...

"I grew up with a struggle mentality and I told myself narratives that I was destined for struggle, that I was unworthy and not good enough. I subconsciously continued the momentum of these stories by continuing to tell myself them day after day, year after year. As I have watched more of Nathallie’s videos,  I become more and more conscious of the ways I have chosen to participate in these stories... 


One of the most powerful feelings I have begun normalizing that is a direct result of tapping into Nathallie’s vibration, through her work, is being completely and utterly inspired.


I feel amazing when I am inspired. I am continuously inspired to feel better and enjoy my life, and that is the beautiful new foundation that Nathallie’s work has blessed me with."

Hailee A.


"She’s a life coach… and that’s what she does: she coaches. And it feels like... what does the coach do? the coach gets you ready to go into the game…


It started off like, ‘I don’t know…. maybe I can kind of dribble, I guess…” to… the most recent time we’ve worked together it was more like, ‘ Put me in, coach!’ 


[She] coaches through the different things that are going on, not only currently, but figuring out where it is that I was holding myself back.”

Jordyn R.


"I’m more aware of what’s going on. In terms of like, my emotions…

If I’m anxious… My mind isn’t… hiding from it. My mind is just like ‘why are you anxious?’ and I’m like ‘huh… that’s a change!’ 

If I’m having anxiety, I’m like ‘why am I having anxiety?’ ‘oh. Because this, this, and this…’ like… my mind kind of works differently now, and kind of picks up on certain things now where like before I wouldn’t be aware of that. I would just be like ‘oh… just bury it…’

Brianna S.

Join Visual Vamp Up:

One Time Payment: $500 

Payment Plan: 10 Bi-Weekly Payments of $55.50

I absolutely believe in and stand by everything that I have shared inside of this program. At the same time, in order to protect myself, I must say that I cannot guarantee that will receive any specific results from this work. You must take responsibility for your own well-being if you choose to enroll and act in alignment. With that being said, I must reiterate that I really believe in this work and the power of your willingness to show up and see things differently.


After purchasing, you get instant access to all content. Because of this, all sales are final. We do not offer refunds. 

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